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JoJoPizzaG t1_iyaalbl wrote

Exactly what this should be for now. Who know what nuclear can do if allow to advance.

There is no replacement for gasoline in commercial flight. Even if such technology exist, it probably won't implemented due to the cost of building an aircraft ($10 to $20B).

No company will be taking such as risk. Politicians will do it, because it is not their money and a big payout for their buddies.


brokendoorknob85 t1_iyad0e9 wrote

This is literally about replacing gasoline with hydrogen.

Maybe don't embarrass yourself.


ryan30z t1_iycf7bm wrote

  1. Aircraft don't run on gasoline

  2. You don't need to design a plane from scratch for a new engine. BROADLY speaking it's mainly the horizontal tail that needs to be redesigned to account for the pitching moment from the engines. The problem with hydrogen is its lower energy density than aircraft fuel. It's the reason why electric jets don't exist

  3. This would probably be for future aircraft not retrofits.

  4. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


Amberskin t1_iybazwq wrote

Unless they are forced to do it. Via legislation,