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[deleted] t1_ixbg45f wrote gave the government exactly what they wanted. Anyone who's ever tried to apply for any kind of benefits in this shithole country knows, the whole system is designed to make it impossible to get what you're entitled to. PPP loans? No verification whatsover, $4 trillion in fraud, but when you're a business, they let you do anything. was paid to be the fall guy here, to diffuse responsibility for why you couldn't collect your pittance in unemployment to afford food. The government decided they'd give you austerity so every stupid c*nt who owns a business could buy a vacation house and a boat in 2021 with PPP. Blame the government for this. Privatization is always a scam. Corporations are just organized crime syndicates by another name.

I'm getting really fucking sick of watching stupid assholes blame tech for doing what it was designed to do. Blame the designers! These tactics are nothing new. Just a new tool to obfuscate how the oligarchs rob the poor. Follow the money. If it's making the rich even richer, it's a feature, not a bug.