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DataGOGO t1_iyd8sv2 wrote

>How can the UK/EU prevent ordinary individuals and businesses from sending money to Twitter? The answer: the exact same way the West stops individuals and businesses from sending money to Iran or Al-Qaeda.

No one said they couldn't stop people from making payments, only that a US company receiving payments from the EU/UK does not mean they are required to follow UK/EU laws.


>It does have everything to do with the company that does not operate. That company loses revenue. It's the same way sanctions work.

That is between them and thier citizens. All I said is that if there are no operations in the UK; they are under no obligation to follow the UK's laws. Which is 100% correct.


youmu123 t1_iydg41o wrote

>That is between them and thier citizens. All I said is that if there are no operations in the UK; they are under no obligation to follow the UK's laws. Which is 100% correct.

The person you replied to clearly said they have to follow rules to PROFIT there. Which is my point.