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S0RRYMAN t1_iy4f3qk wrote

New flash, they all do it. Google sends me a report of where I've been at the end of each month. It shows a map with a line showing my traversal during the month.


J_Megadeth_J t1_iy52q2r wrote

I like using Google maps' history feature to see that. Super helpful as a pizza delivery person to see everywhere I've been and total mileage. I wish I could overlay every single trip I've taken to see where I've been total.


birdele t1_iy63yk6 wrote

The Google person/fbi agent assigned to tracking my location has the most boring job on earth. Work to home, home to work. Repeat forever.


g-nice4liief t1_iy4rnd6 wrote

You can turn it "off"


AlterEdward t1_iy4yg4z wrote

You can absolutely turn it off.


g-nice4liief t1_iy766de wrote

Google will still follow you. That why i used "". They just won't save the data but you still will get followed.