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random125184 t1_iw77gsu wrote

Reported in June. Not fixed until November. Holy shit. This is huge. Why is no one else talking about this?


masterhogbographer t1_iw7df4k wrote

Because it isn’t apple.

And I say that with zero intention on trying to start a flame war.

I say that because due to various reasons whenever apple has a flaw like this everyone knows about it very quickly after reported. And by everyone, I mean everyone.

There was a hands on device vulnerability in iOS last year or the year before, that my wife asked me about wondering if she needed to upgrade iOS asap. She is not tech savvy and I’m the only one in her life that is.

The inverse is, when there’s a similar exploit for non-apple devices, even people in the field can miss it. A friend of mine is a decent techie. Works in IT, and one of their specialities at the company he works for is security.

But the last few vulns for android that have popped up, I’ve been the one notifying him — he an android user and apple hater, me somewhat agnostic — of those vulnerabilities. Meanwhile, he texts me the instant there’s public word of an iOS or MacOS exploit lmao (not even joking, his hated is not healthy imo, but I guess tribalism is society these days…)

The sad part is, if this was apple, after just an hour this post would be front page back in June. And then there would be reposts of the same blog articles across dozens of subs that also would have been top of their sub with hundreds of comments and every month since June there’d have been more articles bubbling to the top with titles like “how hasn’t apple fixed this yet?” Or “Tim cook should resign in face of deflategate” wait that’s another thing entirely


RejZoR t1_iw7h9hz wrote

Thing with iPhones is, you know if you're affected or not. I've recently returned to Android and I have no clue if my Poco is affected or not. And knowing Xiaomi, it's either not affected because it's so modified or it is affected and won't be fixed even months after Google fixes it in AOSP repository.


[deleted] t1_iw7kf63 wrote



RejZoR t1_iw8gm8y wrote

Just out of curiosity if anything has improved. It mostly hasn't. Have plans to buy Galaxy S23 if it'll be any good, but couldn't wait for that long.


Informal-Lead-4324 t1_iw7qhp6 wrote

Why is Apple so good?

I'm saying this as someone who thoroughly enjoyed the iPhone 3, 3g, and iPhone 4.


[deleted] t1_iw7rzkr wrote



Informal-Lead-4324 t1_iw7tfv8 wrote

What software is better on it?

And wym implementation

The only time I've delat with Apple support, it's been the phone(battery )breaking and them telling me to buy a new device lol. Fortunately they got sued for It I think


[deleted] t1_iw7w044 wrote



JazzioDadio t1_iw8gadf wrote

It's nitpicky but for the sake of accuracy it should be said that Google's Pixel phones have held the crown of best camera processing software for some time now.

With Apple's new(ish) custom silicon I'd agree that their implementation of certain features is still top notch, but they'll have to work to keep that lead.


terraherts t1_iw8m8dn wrote

Completely disagree on software.

Speaking as someone who owns an Android phone (Pixel), an iPad, a Windows PC, a macbook pro, and uses Linux for work, so I use a bit of everything.

They get a lot of low-level software stuff right, certainly, especially for a company that's making a lot of bespoke proprietary hardware. But their frontend and first party stuff is... not great.

iOS's notification system is still leagues behind Android, and I find the less I use Apple's first party software on macOS the better. "Ecosystem integrations" like sidecar are so unreliable that I've given up trying to use them, Stage Manager are really half-baked (iOS) or seem to duplicate existing features (macOS), etc. Settings and breadcrumbs on iOS are still a headache. iTunes is somehow still one of the worst interfaces I've ever used, people just don't notice as much because it's rarely needed anymore. Finder is still my least favorite default file manager across any desktop OS. Files on iOS only recently became what I'd consider non-alpha quality.

Main reason I have the macbook pro (M1) and iPad is the hardware. Apple's made some flubs on hardware too of course (most of the MBPs from 2016 up until the new M1's for example), but a lot of their more recent stuff is very solid on that front.


ll-0000-ll t1_iwbcnat wrote

The software is better because its much more optimized. Iphones have longer battery life than androids while having a smaller batter. How? Software. This is just an example.


OneAd3613 t1_iw8qmik wrote

Test it?


RejZoR t1_iwb3rpz wrote

Turns out I'd need another SIM to test it and I don't have one. Annoying.


bengringo2 t1_iw7ycli wrote

I don’t understand it for the life of me. When I don’t use a company’s product I simply don’t think about them. I think some people just bask in schadenfreude as a hobby.


omniuni t1_iw8idl6 wrote

This is also an incredibly specific use case. You need to have the phone configured with a PIN locked SIM.


Eskimoobob t1_iw87num wrote

Uh not to deflate you, but my work is predominantly apple and what I monitor for security flaws, but I utilize Android devices personally.

I naturally come across research for apple devices but we have no Android for our MDM so it isn't pertinent to our mission.


BasementDweller3000 t1_iw7o4l4 wrote

My Apple Watch can unlock my iPhone. Last week as I was putting on my Watch, I had my iPhone nearby and it unlocked my iPhone before I had a chance to unlock my Watch first.

Edit: Never mind. I was mistaken. See below.


Stingray88 t1_iw7p372 wrote

That’s not true, that’s not how it works at all.

Apple Watch can only unlock your phone if it is already unlocked. And it only tries to unlock your phone after it fails to unlock via FaceID because you’re wearing a mask or something.


BasementDweller3000 t1_iw7ph2w wrote

I know that’s how it’s supposed to work, but I saw it unlock my iPhone without the Watch not even being on my wrist yet.

Edit: Never mind. I was mistaken. After trying to replicate it a few times, it seems that what actually happened is I had my iPhone in front of me, my face unlocked the iPhone and then my iPhone unlocked my Watch the moment I got it in my wrist. I misread the notification telling me that my iPhone unlocked my Watch as if it were saying my Watch unlocked my iPhone.


Eskimoobob t1_iw87d55 wrote

Plenty of people are, you might just not roll with the cybersecurity crowds.


Filthy_Firestarter t1_iw8fth1 wrote

Especially when Google loves to slam others for vulnerabilities. Don't they just post the exploit if it isn't fixed in 2 or 3 month? God forbid when they have an issue though.


Torifyme12 t1_iw8h0jp wrote

They knocked that shit off quick when MSFT formed the "Fuck Google" research group.


Now they're (surprisingly /s) more flexible.


erosram t1_iw7g4ju wrote

Seems like a major over look on androids part. And now on the medias part.
