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VincentNacon t1_iwc37a9 wrote

People with outdated bias are boring. It even annoys me that they miss the "vroom vroom" noise as to being the main reason why they don't want to deal nor touch EV cars.

I wanna go faster than the old ICE, EV is the way to go.


UnkindlyDisagree t1_iwc9y6o wrote

Why are you assuming that a simple preference is a bias?

The decision has been made, EVs are the future, so it's not like these people are obstructing progress or stopping you from buying a toy.


VincentNacon t1_iwdc1zf wrote

Go to a racing event or some car related places, you will notice what people will say about EV. More noticeably by the older crowd, though.


thebaron512 t1_iwc6gf9 wrote

The battery technology has not gotten to were it needs to be and more nuclear reactors for power, since the other "green" technology is still lacking.


climb-it-ographer t1_iwcc4ba wrote

Even if our power plants ran on gasoline, it would be more efficient to generate power in one place rather than in millions of tiny power plants.