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ShadowMercure t1_ixz5ohf wrote

My answer to that is a question - if something can continue in perpetuity, why does that mean it did not have a beginning? Can infinitely begin after a beginning? Where a line starts, why does that mean it has to end? For the ball to roll, it must at some point begin to roll. At least, in our version of reality.

We know in our reality, that things start, things continue and then things end. So the “what came before that” cycle that continues infinitely shouldn’t really be possible, because there must be a definite stop point according to our laws of logic.

However the endless question is interesting because - what did make “God”? And what made that? And is our reality the only reality? Is there a sea of failed universes with broken physics out there? Are there others just like us? It is boundless curiosity. But in truth, we will never know nor comprehend what created the creator - and the endless loop that follows - in its entirety. Because we are not equipped to truly deal with “infinity” - it is unimaginable.

My personal belief, is that space-time together with all matter and all concepts we associate with reality, had an origin point that existed beyond space-time. Where “infinity” might be a thought experiment here, but is a straight up “default” mode of the void out there. Time doesn’t move where space doesn’t exist. But where did the creator come from if it exists in the void? What made it? What if the creator is the void?

Do you see where I’m going with this? Probably not, because this thought process will lead one to insanity. Such concepts are unimaginable. We will never understand it. Because again, in our world, cause and effect is the name of the game. But out there, beyond the universe? We cannot even theorise, because we are only built to understand our own.

In short, my belief is that there’s a creating source that made everything. What is beyond that? I dunno, I can’t even think about it. It’s like a syntax error. In the bounds of our own domain, we can only say something created us. What created them exists beyond every physical law we know. Hence my brainstorming ends at what I see as the beginning of our reality, I cannot fathom the beginning of the creating force’s reality. It is beyond us.


Sloofin t1_ixz634y wrote

Luckily for us, others are working very hard on it :)