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flyingkiwi46 t1_ivzvqcr wrote

>Alright, now try a hurricane hitting your town. What excuse are you going to come up with now? Just don't live in a place that gets hurricanes? Create a second copy of your catchphrase a million miles away seems like it doesn't matter what I reply with you will just come up with another imaginary scenario on why its not possible to safely store your crypto so its pointless to argue any further

>No matter what precautions you take, even in a fire you guys come up with "just use stainless steel". You guys can sit and type out essays about all the problems with fiat and banks, but refuse to even acknowledge the most basic of flaws with crpyto.

I already acknowledged that there are flaws in crypto but keeping your crypto safe isn't one of them

>Cryptobros and the people who think investing in gold is smart are the same people.

A well diversified portfolio is a healthy portfolio that means holding cash along with gold/stocks/crypto/bonds & real-estate