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MrSnowden t1_iui6yii wrote

Man, when my dad became older and housebound he was really lonely. So I helped him get connected to and understand the internet with very basic tools (webtv?). It was great for a while as he got on email, and news sites, and YouTube , etc. And then he discovered all the dark sides of the internet: porn, scams, conspiracy theories, etc. But had no natural defense mechanisms and got taken in by everyone one of them.


overlord-ror t1_iuibabt wrote

Spanish flu blankets in the form of the Internet is interesting.


DraziBlack t1_iuja68a wrote

As a Nigerian prince could you pass me along his email, I have a business proposition for him.


JPOIronside t1_iujxdqd wrote

At least he had porn? You don't really find that stuff on accident


MrSnowden t1_iuk16p8 wrote

Have you been on the internet? If you are clueless and clicking on anything that pops up, you will find porn.


JPOIronside t1_iuk2x3e wrote

Maybe if they're looking at stuff similar to. But someone just checking email and reading their news sites or on social media likely aren't going to stumble into porn