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[deleted] t1_iu0boah wrote

nice. to be able to work a shit job for shit pay and not have the stress of bills and making ends meet. I can see how this might help.

He probably could have accomplished the same thing by becoming a gentleman farmer, or "bulking up" for some imaginary super hero movie or any of a million things that leaves you exhausted at the end of the day.


But I will play along, so working at an amazon site for a cure for depression. excellent.


shawnkfox t1_iu0cfc2 wrote

I didn't read the article but I assumed the gist of it would be that he took a shitty job and realized how good he has had it all his life. So many people in the US are completely spoilt having never experienced any real financial hardship or worked any really crappy physical jobs, thus having zero appreciation for what life is like in other countries or even for the bottom 1/3 in the US.