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satinygorilla t1_ir7wpky wrote

In all seriousness who decides when the standard needs to change?


THENATHE t1_ir81hra wrote

I am not sure of the validity of this, but a user in another thread says that the laws are all actually based around whatever standard the IEEE sets, which is currently C. And once they change (in no shorter of a time than 3-5 years depending) then there is a 3 year adjustment period for whatever they declare the next standard.


IAmTheKingOfSpain t1_ir80037 wrote

I feel like laws like this should be written with an expiry. Say, 5 or 10 years. And then you can see what the market does and reintroduce legislation if it goes poorly? Maybe this is idealistic, but would be cool


Amckinstry t1_ir9k1tg wrote

The EU basically said to Industry "standardize, or we'll force a standard".

It was up to the industry to propose the best standard and a potential track for evolution. Apple mostly stayed away as the rest of the industry clustered around USB (-C), so the EU has now forced a standard around USB (-C).

There is still scope for changes in the future -- see changes on power, data rates as long as the form-factor is maintained, but yes, it'll be up to $INDUSTRY to propose changes in regulation before adapters can be changed in the future.


[deleted] t1_ir8j52p wrote



IAmTheKingOfSpain t1_ir8mc4d wrote

What do you mean by "it goes poorly"? Having a new standard that emerges after the law expires seems like an acceptable outcome.


Deimos_F t1_ir9mchi wrote

Until some other "super special and unique" corporation decides to use a different cable to sell more of their own accessories and others follow suit and we get back to square one.

Had the whole industry played nice there would be no need for a law.


GarbanzoBenne t1_ir86yut wrote

Imagine if they mandated micro USB when lightening was new. Yuck.

Just because it's now reasonable from a technical perspective to use USB-C for everything, that doesn't mean making this a legal issue is the right way.


mrturret t1_irpl8yy wrote

This law was passed specifically because of Apple refusing to use the standard that literally everyone else had already agreed upon.


Emosetzer t1_ir91mkp wrote

Looking forward to next years iPhone with 101w fast charging via lightning.


Tall_Artist_8905 t1_ir88ly5 wrote

What about laptop power chargers ? The same manufacturers make diff chargers for diff laptops. HP , Dell etc.,


vtomal t1_ir89808 wrote

>phones, tablets and cameras

There is your answer.


redditmudder t1_ir8zidx wrote

Or have no connector at all (i.e. wireless charging is still allowed).


WinterNL t1_ir9colm wrote

Would probably cause more issues than it solves. It's slower and horribly inefficient.

On top of that, wireless charging has already been explicitely mentioned as something that could also be standardised (this is from the directive itself): >It is also necessary to provide the basis for adaptation to any future scientific and technological progress or market developments, which will be continuously monitored by the Commission. In particular, the introduction of harmonisation of the charging interfaces and the charging communication protocols should in the future also be considered with respect to radio equipment that could be charged by any means other than wired charging, including charging by means of radio waves (wireless charging).


ProbablyInfamous t1_irbivnm wrote

>"Would probably cause more issues than it solves. [Wireless charging] is slower and horribly inefficient."

"Brilliant Work-Around to this silly little legal problem!"
—engineer F. T. R. Creep


MrTidels t1_ir9diav wrote

This is what I’m thinking. There’s a chance Apple may go entirely to wireless charging instead of going to usb c


FineAunts t1_ir9pcom wrote

Doesn't that charge super slow?


MrTidels t1_ir9v2o0 wrote

Maybe? Never used it myself. Cannot imagine it would be implemented as an option if it was slower than conventional charging though


FineAunts t1_ir9ytny wrote

Wireless charging on the iPhone is an option now and after some googling it "is still significantly slower than wired charging options."

Would be nice for some breakthrough to occur in the next two years but wireless charging had been around for 7+ years and not much has changed.


redditmudder t1_ir9htfk wrote

Why the downvotes?
This is almost certainly what is going to happen.


Moremedialies t1_irb760e wrote

About time, let’s standardise changing, then make it so these expensive devices have a shelf life of at least 7 years, instead of being forced to replace it every 2 or 3 yrs.


jazztaprazzta t1_ir97as6 wrote

It's a shame that Apple will be FORCED to use the Android port. I hope Apple brings back the Lightning port to iPads and just quits the EU market. I want us Apple users to continue to be different, special and just... overall better. ^/s


RECoyote t1_ir9crnr wrote

Is the e fucking u going to pay for my new cords?
Fucking tyrannical socialist.


tyw7 OP t1_ir9spzf wrote

There's tons of standards you don't know about but use. Like FAA, CAA, EASA. These applies to planes. Then there's for measurements, etc. You don't complain about that? Also the plugs in your house are all the same. Nobody says that's an over reach.


fjwoahco19_ t1_ir7w0v3 wrote

A reminder that if you don't want a non USB C device, all you have to do is just not buy it

Total overreach but it's overreach that is popular so no-one bats an eye. No principles at all.


MrApplejuic t1_ir809cl wrote

Well it’s not an iPhone so yeah there is nothing with a usb c cable out there….. /s