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satinygorilla t1_ir7wpky wrote

In all seriousness who decides when the standard needs to change?


THENATHE t1_ir81hra wrote

I am not sure of the validity of this, but a user in another thread says that the laws are all actually based around whatever standard the IEEE sets, which is currently C. And once they change (in no shorter of a time than 3-5 years depending) then there is a 3 year adjustment period for whatever they declare the next standard.


IAmTheKingOfSpain t1_ir80037 wrote

I feel like laws like this should be written with an expiry. Say, 5 or 10 years. And then you can see what the market does and reintroduce legislation if it goes poorly? Maybe this is idealistic, but would be cool


Amckinstry t1_ir9k1tg wrote

The EU basically said to Industry "standardize, or we'll force a standard".

It was up to the industry to propose the best standard and a potential track for evolution. Apple mostly stayed away as the rest of the industry clustered around USB (-C), so the EU has now forced a standard around USB (-C).

There is still scope for changes in the future -- see changes on power, data rates as long as the form-factor is maintained, but yes, it'll be up to $INDUSTRY to propose changes in regulation before adapters can be changed in the future.


[deleted] t1_ir8j52p wrote



IAmTheKingOfSpain t1_ir8mc4d wrote

What do you mean by "it goes poorly"? Having a new standard that emerges after the law expires seems like an acceptable outcome.


Deimos_F t1_ir9mchi wrote

Until some other "super special and unique" corporation decides to use a different cable to sell more of their own accessories and others follow suit and we get back to square one.

Had the whole industry played nice there would be no need for a law.


GarbanzoBenne t1_ir86yut wrote

Imagine if they mandated micro USB when lightening was new. Yuck.

Just because it's now reasonable from a technical perspective to use USB-C for everything, that doesn't mean making this a legal issue is the right way.


mrturret t1_irpl8yy wrote

This law was passed specifically because of Apple refusing to use the standard that literally everyone else had already agreed upon.