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SmittyFjordmanjensen t1_it8vfwh wrote

"The pandemic is over" /s

Same attitude about remote work. Now that "the pandemic is over" businesses are dragging their workers back into the office.

I saw a story about respiratory syncytial virus in children on the news this morning and I tell you what, if a kid gets that, and COVID on top of it, and that's exactly the perfect storm some are predicting for the winter... that's going to be a catastrophe. and all the short-term thinkers who reactively run everything, it seems, will be responsible for all kinds of death and chronic illness.

I don't know why we can't be smarter than this. A multitude of tech devices we call "smart" with brains no smarter than a cockroach (or, ok, if they have network-aware AI, a dog) and we can't muster enough human smarts to figure out how to put aside the pursuit of infinite profit and do some things that benefit all of society. Especially, it seems, when it's an actual emergency.