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ScrubbyDoubleNuts t1_iugo448 wrote

Louis Rossman intensifies


Cilantbro t1_iuh2i6o wrote

They waited until he left


Frymewitheggs t1_iuhdedy wrote

I note he left for completely unrelated reasons to his work advocating for Right to Repair. There were too many problems with his Work in New York but Taxes, Regulation Enforcment and Theft/Vandalism are to new a few.


[deleted] t1_iuhr8xn wrote



Frymewitheggs t1_iuhre50 wrote

> fair share in taxes

If you knew anything about Rossman's position and belief on what his Taxes (which he does pay contrary to your comment) go towards, you wouldn't have posted a willfully ignorant position like a total dick.


ButtonholePhotophile t1_iui4uol wrote

His issue is that he received a fine and was unable to contest the fine due to bureaucracy. He showed some of his hours and hours long struggles. He asked his audience if they had sway to get him ahold of the governmental equivalent of customer service. He did everything.

Also, it was a bogus fine imo.


pepolpla t1_iuiuoob wrote

Not at all, if you live in New York City what are your taxes actually going towards? The transit system is dysfunctional, the regulatory agencies are dysfunctional to the point people are getting fined for licenses and permits they cant actually renew because paper work either gets lost or the response or renew license arrived far after the period in which you are supposed to have it so that you get fined anyway.


Random_182f2565 t1_iugpmtq wrote

Rossman you did it, you crazy son of a bitch, you did it.


StackOwOFlow t1_iugq8zz wrote

Huge credit to Louis Rossman for gettin it done


lordhunt3t t1_iugvp0n wrote

Apple gonna be pissed. Lol get rekt.


TazgodX t1_iuk44xi wrote

It’s so funny that you hate Apple so much you don’t even realize they already have a self service site for repairs.


YAMAGLACHI t1_iuk548x wrote

Using their parts at an overinflated rate. Its a fucking joke of a program. If thats the future of right to repair it can piss right off. Its so funny asshats like you jump to put others down without any experience in the field.


TazgodX t1_iuk5plu wrote

Lol, I have experience repairing my own devices and paid. So let me understand you, you hate that Apple has genuine parts for sale to fix their devices because they cost too much? You think a right to repair bill will limit prices?! Companies will still set the prices. Or you can buy the cheap aftermarket parts that suck but are cheap. But this bill won’t change the prices. Just make companies offer the parts.


lordhunt3t t1_iuk6cev wrote

Haha I didn’t even say I hated them. “To assume is make an ass out of you and me.” get rekt.


TazgodX t1_iuk6lp1 wrote

Oh yeah, you must love apple to specifically call them out on right to repair bill instead of so many other device companies and specifically telling them to “get rekt”


lordhunt3t t1_iuk6v1e wrote

You are hilarious. I own an iPhone 12 mini. Again, get rekt.


LewiRock t1_iuh6rdq wrote

#Ps5 dual sense controller we see you

Apple we see you


745395 t1_iugugwt wrote

Big tech is going to make everything break the moment people repair their shit tho. But this is great news.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_iuhazzx wrote

Sounds like that would violate the idea here...


Milk_A_Pikachu t1_iuio19l wrote

Idea? Definitely. Law? It depends

In terms of "normal" electronics? Use increasingly thin ribbon cables and everything you can to make that super scary to open up and likely to break something in the process.


And for the higher end stuff, you are already working with an SoC for all intents and purposes where "just replace a capacitor" is... sort of possible for some people. But you also pull an apple and make the price and hassle for replacement parts such a mess that people are still disincentivized from working on their own gear or even going to a repair shop versus buying a warranty.


Which is more or less where we are with cars. I can replace my tires and do basic maintenance. I even have an old code reader somewhere in a box. But once I get that code (assuming the interface hasn't changed) and look it up online... I am not going to know anything about getting into that engine or transmission. And I have had enough bad experiences with mechanics that I am not convinced they know either. And when they DO get in there? Oh, a board is fried and I need these new gears and everything is so tightly coupled that it isn't worth keeping a bunch of 5A251ZZ4 sprockets on hand.

So I more or less end up in the same state of "buy a new X".


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_iuiv023 wrote

Ok, that could happen, but making it more fragile will increase their own production and repair costs significantly.


Milk_A_Pikachu t1_iuj0y32 wrote

Eh. Ribbon cables in particular are one of those things that are super easy to install, but not to remove. For a robot it is trivial. But even for a human, you just need to connect them and then close the clamshell. The reason why they suck for repairs is that you tend to need a bit of force to pry apart the two halves of the device. But too much force and you break the ribbon cable


As for repair costs? That is already noise as far as all the premium plans go and you can very much reduce effective costs by just fully replacing modules. Break the ribbon cable? The refurb department can do the repairs back at the nearest factory.


Once you know what you are doing, it is pretty easy to apply just enough force to break the friction of the glue you pried through or deal with the clips without tearing the cable. But just look at all the people who lose their god damned minds over taking apart a nintendo joycon.

Hell, I've been doing my own repairs/mods for literally decades. And my butthole still puckers ever so slightly when dealing with stuff like this. Same as seating ram on a mobo.


BlueHarlequin7 t1_iuh3y16 wrote

Huh, for some reason I thought this was already passed in a few states, guess I was wrong


Halabane t1_iuhb3je wrote

Not quite yet. Biden signed an executive order

that gets the FTC moving and helps some states. In MA we have a right to repair cars law and MA like NY and 14 other states are moving laws thru their state houses for electronics. As bad as it is for cell phone/laptops/etc repair I really feel bad for farmers not being able to repair their tractors. That is just stupid bad.


Rude_Dragonfruit154 t1_iui45zz wrote

Our Federal Government not protecting farmers is a travesty. It just shows how they are colluding with the big companies to rip us all off.


Kiraisalive999 t1_iuifuo3 wrote

Would this allow tesla vehicles to be worked on by non tesla mechanics? They are technically an electronic right?


beef-o-lipso t1_iuhm3un wrote

I wonder why it hasn't been sent for signature. They think Hochul won't sign it? Not sure what they issue would be. Pretty inoccuous stuff.


Immabed t1_iui3jy6 wrote

> Pretty inoccuous stuff.

You'd think so, but the anti-repair lobby has worked long and hard to convince politicians of so-called dangers of letting people repair their own stuff. The number of times right to repair bills have failed to pass a vote or have languished without getting signed into law far exceeds the number of times a right to repair type bill has become law in the US.


haupt19 t1_iuhtn9z wrote

ELI5: How would this law work, what would it mandate?

How would companies get around it? Like the battery now has a chip in it and it’s coded to the processor, so if you replace the battery the whole device is broken?


TheFondler t1_iuhwlas wrote

This is something companies already do now, this law aims to prevent it.


nicuramar t1_iui1i8y wrote

Batteries aren’t prevented from working after replacement. Well, not on iPhones at least.


EternalD t1_iui5u5v wrote

You're right that the battery won't be prevented from working, but I'm fairly certain the iphone would if the repair was performed by a 3rd party without apples proprietary software.

Every component in new iphones have a unique ID that ties the whole unit together. There are videos online of people replacing individual components of an iPhone with GENUINE IPHONE PARTS but because they were not programmed to have this matching unique ID from the rest of the phone, the phone will not work.

In this way, apple has held a monopoly on the repair of newer iPhones. It's one of the MAJOR DRIVING FACTORS for the right to repair bill. I know that at some point recently apple had either loosened their grip on repairs or will allow some shops to become "certified". Regardless, the above has been apple's tactic for years and the same exact practices are part of a larger effort to screw consumers. The current situation with John Deer tractors is another perfect example.


nicuramar t1_iui64gx wrote

> You’re right that the battery won’t be prevented from working, but I’m fairly certain the iphone would if the repair was performed by a 3rd party without apples proprietary software.

I’m not sure how it is nowadays. I think what will happen is that some parts (such as the front camera assembly) will simply not work, while others (such as the battery) will display a warning and disable some features (like battery condition).


Moremedialies t1_iui67k7 wrote

Great law, now let’s see them meaningfully enforce it.


Greedy-Specific7723 t1_iuih09p wrote

With the electric car on the rise perhaps this is a good idea,what if apple builds electric transportation in the future


falkuun t1_iujnt11 wrote

Rossman!!!!!! u gonna head back to NY?


[deleted] t1_iugv2ww wrote

This article was from 10/26 and Hochul *still* hasn't signed it?


beef-o-lipso t1_iuhlysv wrote

Sometimes it pays to read the whole f'ing article.

> The bill has not been sent to the governor for her signature or veto but Fahy said her and her office have been in contact with the governor’s staff on the issue.

Emphasis added


BlueBallsNurse t1_iugvyv3 wrote

New York is about to become the first state where no more electronics are sold.


BlueHarlequin7 t1_iuh4chf wrote

Ah yes, the UK famously no longer carries any electronics in their stores anymore because of pure loss of profits. Won't anyone think about the small companies like Apple, Microsoft, or Sony? How will they ever make a profit when people aren't forced to buy new products or use their expensive and time-consuming repair services?


BlueBallsNurse t1_iuht5tr wrote

Didn’t think the giant /s was necessary. Guess I was wrong.


BlueHarlequin7 t1_iuik3dk wrote

Poes law can be a fickle thing in an age where people think scientists are literally evil.