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n3w4cc01_1nt t1_jcy3w1r wrote

most of the effort is targeting African Americans and evangelicals


hops4beer t1_jcy5tlj wrote



Digital_Simian t1_jcyae8c wrote

It's targeting demographics with strong partisan voting trends with generally well defined priorities. Another voting block that's heavily targeted is the elderly in general.


TerryTPlatypus t1_jcy8h67 wrote

Evangelicals: manipulate and rile them up, makes them exercise political and social power

African Americans: scare them into submission, deters them from using political and social power.

If I am wrong, someone correct me on this.


[deleted] t1_jczzqd0 wrote

>African Americans: scare them into submission, deters them from using political and social power.
>If I am wrong, someone correct me on this.

You're correct, specifically they engage in voter suppression. They will use every trick in the book to discourage folks from voting. They claim voting doesn't matter, they say both sides are the same, they lie about voting information and deliberately give incorrect information, and they exploit historical and ongoing injustices to make people feel like their voices don't matter.

The opposite couldn't be more true. Your voice and your votes matter, and the fact that they spend millions of dollars to convince you otherwise is proof that you have a voice and that your voice matters.


TerribleAttitude t1_jd0hsjc wrote

There’s also a ton targeting Latinos, though it is often overlooked as it’s frequently in Spanish. It’s also not discussed ever, but I am quite convinced that left-of-liberals are being heavily targeted.

As for the why, because they’re very online groups, often polarized, and that tend to vote a particular way but don’t necessarily identify with the way they vote. Moderate-minded people who identify heavily as democrats or republicans aren’t going to change their views as easily. Those groups also have plenty of valid anxieties about the political system, and that can be exploited.