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JoieDe_Vivre_ t1_jdbb6h5 wrote

There’s a lot of issues. My favorite one to talk about is jobs listed as “Entry Level” per their literal search feature, then when you check the job description it requires 3+ YOE.

Please please please do not say “yeah but they mean entry level to that company” because it’s a really bad argument and purposely deceptive.


cuewithoutyou t1_jdbdgxb wrote

It’s been my experience that “entry level” actually means “be experienced, but expect shit pay.”


poopoomergency4 t1_jdbrjrp wrote

any site that relies on the honesty of hr/recruiting types is doomed to have its posting quality reduced to this point


ChappedPappy t1_jdbfiem wrote

I completely agree with this complaint, but that’s employers abusing the platform. It should totally be updated. I guess I’m just wondering what’s better?


Informal_South1553 t1_jdc7oe0 wrote

You should have a few years of internships by the time you graduate

Edit- - in IT/SDLC, idk the other fields as well.


ChappedPappy t1_jdcfe3r wrote

Idk where you’re based out of, but this is simply not true for most jobs/careers in America.


Informal_South1553 t1_jdcijfz wrote

I work in tech staffing lol. Not all, but plenty of cs grads showing internships/working on projects by graduation.


BruceChameleon t1_jdd0jh6 wrote

Internships are far less common for non-programmers. Tech companies still need staff in every business area.