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occipixel_lobe t1_jdgqtk2 wrote

This is propaganda to make workers cheaper for certain companies in the US by manufacturing consent.


ButterscotchLow8950 t1_jdimakk wrote

I dunno, I’ve been struggling to hire mechanical engineers. It’s not cheaper, we have to sponsor the visa AND pay them a competitive wage here in the US. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Waaypoint t1_jdlir1q wrote

I've largely had this experience. It was more expensive, added levels of management difficulty, and introduced other intangible challenges. It wasn't some nebulous corporate "greed" it was the fact that we could not find enough candidates for certain roles in the US. Finding local talent wasn't really an option in a lot of cases. I head hunted at colleges, sponsored paid internships, advised on courses and classes that would place someone at the front of the line for our jobs.

The bigger travesty is when we wouldn't promote internal candidates with tons of institutional knowledge, good performance reviews, and drive (regardless of their immigration status). The company always caped their salary expansion or always refused to match external or internal offers. Those people rightfully left for better paying jobs taking their experience and internal knowledge with them. We would then hire some green recruit who we would spend thousands onboarding and training for more than the previous employees ask because we had to hire within industry pay bands. In my experience, every single person that asked for an increase or match ended up leaving, so it wasn't a bigger picture numbers game. If anything, it encouraged other workers to seek employment elsewhere.


zUdio t1_jdhmnwu wrote

Exactly same as the TikTok trash heap of a debate. We are in a new era of yellow journalism. ALL journalism is focused on profit now; not truth. When those two happen to align, it’s great, but media orgs aren’t fretting themselves anymore on the latter. It’s whatever gets them revenue and their main source of free leads is government officials spoonfeeding them propaganda. They’d rather say, “wait, you don’t trust the government? Are you paranoid, schizo?” than have to gather and investigate stories on their own, which takes time and money. Instead, they have to gaslight us into thinking it’s us who turned yellow and not them.