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freediverx01 t1_jaclir0 wrote

This system is ripe for abuse without any outside oversight. All it takes is for that organization to be controlled by a group of reactionary right wingers, and then they can ban anything they want.


HanaBothWays t1_jaco6si wrote

Just because the anti-abuse safeguards are not detailed in the article doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

It doesn’t talk about the specific hash functions used for this thing either but those definitely exist and they are definitely using them.


freediverx01 t1_jacrudt wrote

My concern is based on the lack of oversight and transparency of an organization with so much potential power. We have a long history of attacks on civil liberties under the banners of child protection and counter-terrorism.


HanaBothWays t1_jacuass wrote

When the big porn sites start having issues with NCMEC and how they curate their databases, I’ll worry about that. But they all seem to get along fine right now, so I’m not worried about it.


freediverx01 t1_jadi20h wrote

You’ll have to forgive me, but when the supreme court has become so completely politicized and illegitimate, it’s hard to have any faith in the resiliency of any other institutions.