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whatweshouldcallyou t1_ja45rl0 wrote

>In recent years, some successful meme pages have expanded to become media empires. IMGN Media, which operates several popular Instagram meme pages including @Daquan, which has over 16.3 million followers, raised $6 million in funding in 2018 to grow its business before being acquired by Warner Music Group in 2020 for just under $100 million. Doing Things Media, which owns a slate of viral meme pages, raised $21.5 million in venture capital funding earlier this year. None of these companies or the accounts they manage have posted violent videos of the nature discussed here.

So basically article tries to conflate objectionable content, which is impossible to completely prevent from being uploaded, and general meme accounts, but at least thankfully ends with an acknowledgement that b has nothing to do with a.

Combine with the pointless fulminating of a useless academic who has no clue about the technology of which she writes and bingo, you have an article.


atwegotsidetrekked t1_ja65cua wrote

Weird how TikTok doesn’t have this problem. That is why you are being downvoted