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Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j93i6x6 wrote

How about sexual exploitation?

“AI has the potential to play a role in combating sexual exploitation by improving detection, prevention, and support measures. Here are a few examples of how AI can be used to address sexual exploitation:

Identifying and monitoring high-risk situations: AI can be used to analyze patterns of behavior and identify signs of potential sexual exploitation, such as patterns of communication or transactions. For example, AI could be used to analyze online activity to detect potential cases of sex trafficking.

Improving detection and reporting: AI can be used to detect and report sexual exploitation by identifying explicit content or suspicious behavior. For example, AI could be used to detect and flag explicit images or videos on social media platforms.

Providing support to victims: AI could be used to provide support and resources to victims of sexual exploitation, such as connecting them with hotlines or support services. For example, chatbots or virtual assistants could be used to provide information and support to victims.  Preventing exploitation: AI can be used to help prevent sexual exploitation by identifying and addressing the root causes of vulnerability. For example, AI could be used to identify patterns of poverty or abuse that may make individuals more vulnerable to sexual exploitation.

It is important to note that AI should be used in conjunction with other strategies to effectively combat sexual exploitation. Additionally, it is crucial that AI is used in a responsible and ethical manner, with appropriate privacy protections and consideration of potential biases in its algorithms.”


dont_ban_me_bruh t1_j93ykdg wrote

You do realize that chatGPT just makes up bullshit, right? It's a language generation mechanism, it's not even able to access external information sources like Google searches.


Dreaming_Android121 t1_j94w49o wrote

Bing’s integration with CGPT most certainly be utilizing searches to generate responses. It was in the product reveal this week.


Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j97bqpj wrote

Ps - bs can fools the average American


dont_ban_me_bruh t1_j97cf0l wrote

Ok? Are you trying to claim you actually don't believe AI has positive uses in fighting sexual exploitation, and you were just conducting a social experiment?


Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j97daro wrote

So you say it spews bs. I say people believe bs. Now you say I’m claiming it can’t be used for fighting exploitation? When did I say that. I also said it is using what we ask it to learn and grow.

Where did I say a.i doesn’t have positive and negative consequences? You’re the one who mentioned chat gpt is bs. I just said many people can fall for bs

On a side note google has been working with the fbi for years with regards to data mining and sex trafficking.


dont_ban_me_bruh t1_j97dwch wrote

> Now you say I’m claiming it can’t be used for fighting exploitation? When did I say that.

No, I'm saying why did you bother posting a chatGPT response about that, when it is just generating text that approximates real text, but isn't actually true? Either you believe your argument about "ai can be good", and you are legitimately trying to use the BS text it generated to convince people, or you don't believe it, and you're comment is pointless and misleading for no reason (since it's BS text).

And what does Google working with the FBI to combat sex trafficking have to do with AI? That's not an AI-based initiative.


Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j97e868 wrote

I guess it depends on your definition of a.i. is

Someone asked how ai can be used to help with exploitation. So I asked ai.

Clearly ai can be used for the benefit of good and truth or for corruption and abuse. Depends who is using it.


dont_ban_me_bruh t1_j97eocf wrote

> Someone asked how ai can be used to help with exploitation. So I asked ai.

Which is pointless, as it's not answering your question, it's generating text which approximates the way an answer would look.

edit: LMAO op blocked me for calling him out! wow!


Circlemadeeverything OP t1_j97euh4 wrote

I guess I misunderstood you. What U said was chat gpt is bs

Why did I post it? Because I can.