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travelbugeurope t1_j90knw0 wrote

“He has embraced far right talking points…”

Yet advertisers continue to pay…all the self proclaimed woke artists and famous people continue to tweet….media companies and personal continue to use it as the the president

What does that all say about society as it is?



Valiantheart t1_j91nbsw wrote

The man is a liberal, but because he supports free speech and exposing government manipulation of civilian industries suddenly hes Far Right. Not a moderate, not a centrist, not a moderate conservative. Nope Far Right like everyone else who doesn't agree with the current talking points de jour.


Blacksbren t1_j90o6sj wrote

As someone who leans right I am personally thinking Elon is more central leaning then not. One of the problems I find with the far left that twitter had become was it was stopping the voices so to speak. They were taking it under there own hat to be the gate keepers of speech. What Elon has doe. Was to open the flood gates back up.


bairbs t1_j90pklh wrote

He is not central at all. He's very much right wing


laserwaffles t1_j91b3os wrote

Elon regularly bans people for disagreeing with him. He is worse than Twitter used to be about banning, because Twitter used to ban for violations. Now they'll ban you if Musk just doesn't like you.

Musk has gone pretty far right, and definitely isn't in any way for free speech for anyone but him.


Valiantheart t1_j91nlfr wrote

What does banning have to do with being Far Right?

It might be authoritarian, but neither side of the political spectrum has exclusivity with that notion.