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justpariah t1_j8ndpp4 wrote

What a weird way to say Hyundai, Kia roll out fix for flaw in software that fails to stop vehicles from running without key.


Arctyc38 t1_j8nsw4r wrote

"Car companies admit that several years of car thefts could have been prevented by software that already existed for their push button start vehicles."


Badfickle t1_j8qhzjf wrote

No kidding. I guess Hyundai and Kia are big enough advertisers that they decided to softball it.


LiberalFartsMajor t1_j8o19tf wrote

Why are we letting them brand it as a "technology upgrade" when we know damn well it's a recall.


Burning_right_now t1_j8vrpm3 wrote

The problem is people stealing cars, and the solution is provide free education, UBI, affordable housing, etc., not providing anti-theft measures.


[deleted] t1_j8m9h2k wrote

They have oil burning shit engines anyway. I wish some one would steal mine.


911canuck t1_j8mfec4 wrote

My neighbour had a mid 2000 Kia van, the transmission blew months later, then the engine blew after less than a year.


ThickDickedMayor t1_j8n454r wrote

Park it on the street in a major city and your prayers will be answered.


ghaelon t1_j8ng2ek wrote

My 2012 Elantra still runs like new. Every brand has their bad eggs.