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South_Job9704 t1_j7m92pg wrote

I agree it’s not perfect, but Apple and the other phone companies have been fixing those exploits since they’ve known about them. It’s not the same as the CPC government-mandated malware that exists on top of the typical data gathering that every phone company does worldwide. These are all soul-less corporations and nation-states in the end, but the US’s brand of liberalism means the CIA has to go through shady methods to hack these phones, unlike the CPC which just plants a member of the party into the board of directors and straight up threatens them to install spyware.


manwithafrotto t1_j7n0mv4 wrote

This is Reddit, you aren’t allowed to like iPhones or Apple in general lol


mastycus t1_j7nirvh wrote

I phones? The walled garden platform that won't let you have firefox or alternative app store?


South_Job9704 t1_j7n67cc wrote

Which is so weird because Google (who own Android OS) is orders of magnitude worse when it comes to gathering data. I think they even beat Facebook when it comes to selling it. Apple by comparison makes most of its money from the products and services it sells, not data.
