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ElectronicGate t1_j9y1shm wrote

No company with even half a brain would let you log into corporate resources without using a company issued computer. No one uses their home computer for that type of work.


Smith6612 t1_j9ygfiv wrote

Actually, you'd be surprised how often people try to use their home computer. Either because it's slightly faster, it's a nicer (more expensive) machine, or because to them, a computer is a computer.

It's an argument I've had many, many, many times with people in the corporate world. Technical controls and strong corporate policy go hand in hand to stopping that.


ElectronicGate t1_j9yqczp wrote

I'm sure there are exceptions, but most companies are going to use a certificate provisioning process tied to the device that is required for connecting to corporate resources. I agree with you that lacking this opens the door for someone to connect with an insecure device and create a whole series of compliance issues.