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BurrDurrMurrDurr t1_jacyprr wrote

I’m still rocking my 4790k i7, DDR3, 1070 GTX that I built in 2015…


wambulancer t1_jad4of6 wrote

4790k ganggang

probably replacing it at the end of the year though, it'll be 9 years old when I do, people who are upgrading their CPU that often are nuts


Thiscatmcnern t1_jadfyil wrote

I’ve got a 7700 & 1070gtx. Only now do I feel like I could use an upgrade but far from necessary especially with current GPU prices.


AugmentedDragon t1_jad48hd wrote

4790k and RX480 here, still running strong!

The devils canyon CPUs still hold up, especially the i7


Masiyo t1_jads9py wrote

Besides switching to an SSD and replacing the graphics card because the previous one died in 2018, my 2014 build is still chugging along strong too.

I am not looking forward to a new build at the rate motherboards alone are going for these days.