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atchijov t1_ja2dsqi wrote

10k Hz refresh rate is not the same as 10k fps. Analog movies were shot at 32 fps… and no one complained about “smoothness”.

So anything above 32 is mostly to fool our brain for some “beneficial” purpose.


Ordinary_Fun_8379 t1_ja2gwkn wrote

Movies are shot at 24fps and are noticeably stuttery during action and fast pans. The “feel” of 24fps is so intertwined with what audiences expect a movie to look like that high frame rate films like The Hobbit look wrong to most people.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_ja2pz6k wrote

Agreed, reminds me of the "soap opera effect", where soap operas used to use higher FPS video (I forget the exact amount) which led people to viewing a smoother video experience as "low quality", because that's the type of shows that used to use it. Don't know the technical specifications on it, just that even I had to adjust what I viewed as "high quality" when more studios started doing the same.


PmMeYourBestComment t1_ja2h03a wrote

Ever seen a fast pan on 30fps? You’ll see stuttering. The human eye can easily see difference above 60fps