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bairbs t1_j9agew9 wrote

People can do whatever they want with copyright privately. It's when you release the work or try to commercialize it that causes the problems. Nothing is stopping AI companies from scraping and training all day. In order to release it, they should compensate the copyright holders


Slippedhal0 t1_j9asf0r wrote

Technically thats not correct, its just very hard to enforce private use. For example, if you copy a movie, even for prvate use(except very specific circumstances) thats illegal, and people have been charged.

That said, the public release point is what I was thinking of anyway.


bairbs t1_j9awnxc wrote

Technically, if you bought the movie, you could copy it for your own use. You just can't share it, which to your point is very hard to enforce for private use outside of the internet.

I'm thinking of fair use when I say "do whatever they want with copyright privately"