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sk0omaADDICT t1_j9al07b wrote

I have a working iPhone 1. Battery life is around 15 minutes.


Masterchiefychief t1_j9asgbx wrote

That’s 14x longer than I last!

But I reset quickly, it’s kinda my thing.


TitoPito t1_j9bvz7d wrote

My back hurts just thinking about lasting a whole minute, much less going again in the same night


[deleted] t1_j9b8wy0 wrote



Masterchiefychief t1_j9bac4g wrote

I went to Cornell


Shishamylov t1_j9bprns wrote

When I was in college I used to get wicked hammered. My nickname was puke. I would chug a fifth of SoCo, sneak into a frat party, polish off a few people’s empties, some brewskies, some Jell-O shots, do some body shots off myself, pass out, wake up the next morning, puke, rally, more SoCo, head to class. Probably would have gotten expelled if I had let it affect my grades, but I aced all my courses. They called me Ace. It was totally awesome. Got straight B’s. They called me Buzz.


Common-Oil-8080 t1_j9cfby0 wrote

“It’s pronounced ‘Colonel.’ It’s the highest rank in the military.”


farfacogin t1_j9bn153 wrote

I still have one lying around with no camera


No-Lunch4249 t1_j9bnov3 wrote

The account I’m replying to is a bot, please downvote


bascule t1_j9bqk7q wrote

I still have mine, but if I plug it in the screen just briefly flashes every second or so. Ded.


grjacpulas t1_j9c3h8c wrote

But it launched a whole genre of devices.

Why was it a disaster in hindsight? Generally curious.


mjduce t1_j9chlgp wrote

Mostly, the scams - Apple was one of the first companies to be caught downgrading their hardware capabilities through software updates, all in an effort to literally force people to buy a new unnecessary product a year later.

Apple is still pulling a-hole moves, like with their chargers.

I boycott the brand personally.


bellumbg t1_j9emsoh wrote

That's prolly the reason you karma whore 20yo jokes as well


Masterchiefychief t1_j9eywuh wrote

Are you okay?

What other 20 yr old jokes do I karma hoor?

If youre strapped for karma all you gots to do is ask. I’ll karmo some over.

Also that joke has been around ALOT longer than Leo’s dating record age graph


Revolutionary_Lie539 t1_j9awjro wrote

Ah. I had that. Confirned on the 15 minutes or less. It lasts ahalf a day if you didnt use it.. An original phone would pillow by now. Haha..


Antiquities-Cost t1_j9bzqf7 wrote

An iPod touch (gen 1) worth anything as well? Lol, Ive got it still. Working, with box- John Lennon "themed". Idk about the charger tho..


NYNMx2021 t1_j9bns36 wrote

I have one as well but it has a cracked screen lol


ohlawdeee t1_j9ahg2z wrote

Factory sealed ** you can get any old one for a couple bucks but if she’s unopened… that makes her a collector’s item. And people have spent much more than 60k on collection hobbies.


ShawnyMcKnight t1_j9alkkr wrote

I wish I had the money to just buy random items and store them in the hopes they would vastly increase in value.


Acceptable_Reading21 t1_j9bkh3w wrote

I worked for an AT&T retail store during the exploding note 7 era. I had a customer who never opened the seal on their note 7 so they refused to return it after the recall because they were convinced it would be worth money one day.


Sir_Knumskull t1_j9cov34 wrote

The iconic note 7, truly a revolutionary paradigm shift in technology, a bit faster than the note 6


Acceptable_Reading21 t1_j9eqiwu wrote

It was recalled twice before it was just cancelled. I think the logic was that they basically didn't exist so the rarity would make it worth something.


ShawnyMcKnight t1_j9bp0hi wrote

Ah yes! You never know! Terrorists may want to get a hold of some bombs and would pay top dollar for them and I heard the Note 7 was pretty useful for that.


Budget-CaterpillarJ t1_j9ezi5t wrote

I sold mine for $550 1 year after the debacle ended. I even sent the fireproof box they shipped me to return it in. I never returned the phone, ebayer scooped it up in minutes after it went live. I always wonder how much it might have sold for if I didn't use buy it now.


VoidAndOcean t1_j9au94e wrote

if they bought stock it would have been worth more.


ShawnyMcKnight t1_j9auduc wrote

Not really, this is 100x more, the stock didn’t jump 100x


VoidAndOcean t1_j9av1ml wrote

A bit more than that actually.


bobartig t1_j9bo4zw wrote

Not quite. Apple's stock increase from mid 2007 (when the iPhone was released) to today is around 38x when using the "adjusted close" price from June 29, 2007 and present day. That accounts for splits and dividend payments in some fashion, and I'm not going to dive too deeply into the best prices to use (because I have no useful input into that question), but the math is pretty close whichever way you look at it.


billnmorty t1_j9bfk1v wrote

Let’s do some math! How much was the MSRP of the original iPhone (serious question). How much was Apple stock at the time of the unveiling. How much would that stock be worth today.

I always remember the saying “if you love a product, by the stock”


chrisnmarie t1_j9bnbqs wrote

So since they bailed.... did a lil research and so math and the answer is..... Total return = $600 x 4533% / 100%

Total return = $27,198

got the number based on a article that stated the returns for 3k in 07


bonesnaps t1_j9dkqgd wrote

I hate Apple products, their walled garden is a fucking joke. I cannot sell the stock since I purposely don't own any.



Danji1 t1_j9cp5dc wrote

My buddy did it with Pokemon cards about 10 years ago. He invested most of his savings into a few decks of top graded cards (like 5k at the time). When he first told us about it we all obviously thought he was fucking insane. They are now worth tens, if not hundreds of thousands lol.

He has a charizard card alone that is worth more than my entire life 😂 Apparently Logan Paul did a ring walk to a fight with one of his old cards (he sold it to the seller who then sold it to him) which subsequently went for something silly like 100k.


bonesnaps t1_j9dkmib wrote

My friend tried this with some collectors editions of videogames. Did not work out well for him.


Skizot_Bizot t1_j9blme9 wrote

I feel like the catch is that if you had enough money to do that then it's better to just invest elsewhere. Not as fun though!


ShawnyMcKnight t1_j9bp3z0 wrote

Probably more stressful than anything, just clicking refresh on ebay hoping that the value of that first edition Zune you have skyrockets.


nubbiecakes_ t1_j9byl3s wrote

A lot of those prices for collectables, like retro games, are grossly skewed by "rating" companies. They buy/sell them internally to artificially inflate the price. There are some good documentaries about it on YouTube.

Edit: Here's the one I was thinking of, by Karl Jobst - Exposing fraud and deception in the retro video game market:

Side note - this is a similar scheme to what many saw with wild NFT price increases. Many, probably most, were done in a way where money never changed hands.


Sol_Hando t1_j9d5eno wrote

Any specific videos you recommend?


nubbiecakes_ t1_j9dgwsn wrote

Here's the one I was thinking of, by Karl Jobst - Exposing fraud and deception in the retro video game market:


Sol_Hando t1_j9dljhg wrote

Ahahaha, I’ve actually watched that video before and completely forgot! Still appreciate going out of your way to find it for me though.


nubbiecakes_ t1_j9dghxh wrote

I have a specific one in mind I just can't recall which channel posted it. I'll get back to you after I've had a chance to do some digging.


Sweetwill62 t1_j9e4s3k wrote

I could probably make a pretty penny selling all of my old games but fuck paying someone to tell me how much something is worth. It isn't some antique it is a god damned game. Is it sealed? Do you have the box/manual? Does it work? Those are all of the variables that go into how much an old game is worth. If you think otherwise, send me $35 and I'll grade your response from 1-9.999999999 and if you pay me $35 more than once I'll another 9 on the end to make you feel better.


seamustheseagull t1_j9bqlis wrote

This is an exceptional price no doubt motivated more by sentimentality than potential earnings. Far older and more influential tech in unsealed condition doesn't go for that kind of price.

No judgement, maybe he just really, really wanted this in his collection. But he's never getting that $60k back. Maybe he doesn't want it back.


Apprehensive_Ear7309 t1_j9anh31 wrote

If you do the math, it’s almost exactly what it would be if you had invested the same amount into their stocks at the time.


foomachoo t1_j9av6lh wrote

Apple stock in 2006, just before they released the iPhone. $2. Yes. It went up about 75x in that timeframe!


sameguyontheweb t1_j9bcykw wrote

Lol, much much more. The stock has split many times.


xeric t1_j9bec3m wrote

That $2 is based on current splits, as far as I can tell


neilcmf t1_j9c0q7y wrote

Google's stock price UI (and most trading platforms' UI for that matter, I haven't heard of one that doesn't) retroactively adjusts historical prices when splits or reverse splits happen.


g1aiz t1_j9eroc8 wrote

Imagine how the graphics would look like. Having a huge drop every few years without any global recession and in an instant.


dillrepair t1_j9bk373 wrote

You are the real mvp. And I fucked up 2008 by not leaving my money in Apple.


good_humour_man t1_j9alru9 wrote

Omg it’s finally like that scene in Back to the Future part 2 where the antique store is selling upcycled “antique” computers


largePenisLover t1_j9armd3 wrote

Younger gamers are already treating the games I grew up with as "golden oldies" and "timeless classics" the same way I used to treat the music from the 60's.
There are youtube channels where young guys dive into the c64 and other "antique micro computers" , expressing their wonder at this ancient archeo-tech.

feels weird, in a good way though.


geminezmarie8 t1_j9bdn47 wrote

I just had a ball playing one of those text only adventure games lol. Except it was revisiting my own past…I did enjoy this YT exploration of Oregon Trail by a teen who was all wtf is diphtheria, why tf is this game so hard 😅


runningformylife t1_j9by202 wrote

You just die over and over. And sometimes you make it but are poor as fuck


UltimateTrattles t1_j9ao7d4 wrote

Go check out /r/sleeperbattlestations

There has been for a long while, a whole community of antique computer enthusiasts.


Hydrolagu5 t1_j9ak557 wrote

“It belongs in a museum!”


nu1stunna t1_j9baowv wrote

I need to start buying shit and leaving it unopened.


NattoandKimchee t1_j9e6nmk wrote

Needs to be something that revolutionized an industry. I think an unopened original iPod would sell for a crazy amount too. Anything after that, not so much.


piratecheese13 t1_j9ai2ji wrote

I often think about what products on the market today will end up being highly valuable collectors items.

I had an Optimus prime transformer from the early 2000s that goes for hundreds on Craigslist now. A build your own lightsaber kit also with hundreds. Full Gen 1 Bionicle collection. Lego island, one promotional Brickster keychain.


bk15dcx t1_j9ahjgr wrote

I think I have one with a cracked screen lying around somewhere

Make offer


Bkeeneme t1_j9bb20q wrote

I wonder how long before the battery begins to leak and corrode the other components as well as destroy the packaging?


Lord_Bling t1_j9b7c12 wrote

Wow, that's an incredible waste of money.


Antiquities-Cost t1_j9c23tk wrote

Collectors will buy whatever. It's a big hobby believe it or not. Pokemon games, unopened, can be upwards of 300-700 dollars!


varakelian t1_j9codst wrote

So true. I wanted to buy some Pokémon games I had as a kid and was flabbergasted by the prices.


Sweetwill62 t1_j9e52vf wrote

Which is funny because odds are they are buying a product that won't work due to the battery in the cartridges not working anymore. They would be better off spending less money and getting one with a replaced battery.


Chatty_Fellow t1_j9av2p4 wrote

There are a lot of very rich and stupid people in the world.


[deleted] t1_j9ax0qk wrote



nu1stunna t1_j9bazpv wrote

In another 15 years the price will probably more than double again as long as they don’t open it. It’s an investment at this point. Not one that I’d make at that price, but I get it.


pilzenschwanzmeister t1_j9c1z5q wrote

In fifty it'll be worthless


nu1stunna t1_j9c2cl1 wrote

I doubt it. The first Mac computers still go for a lot in auctions.


MairusuPawa t1_j9cajpc wrote

Yeah but do they have a swollen battery inside just at the ready to start a fire? And consider that if you try to fix it, you'll ruin the value of the thing entirely.


nu1stunna t1_j9chzqu wrote

No, but nobody is opening these boxes in the first place so that’s a moot point. It’s purely a collector’s item and not meant for functional use.


i-hoatzin t1_j9ao2ye wrote

Some people is simply silly.


franklindstallone t1_j9bvekp wrote

Someone has way more money than brains.

Rich people are not taxed enough


THE_GR8_MIKE t1_j9bxtj7 wrote

The same people buying this are the crypto bros and NFTeezers, Muskrat-jackers, and Beziboys. Just people of the digital world, the common circuit board of Silicon Valley. You know... morons.


Careless_Ticket_3181 t1_j9c29pc wrote

If you have enough money to buy a $60k car I'd say you're doing well, but a $60k paper weight?


Thwonp t1_j9d4eji wrote

I'm sorry but I call bullshit. No sealed iPhone is worth close to that much.

"LCG Auctions is the nation’s premier auction house specializing in professionally graded toys and collectibles. "

Graded collectibles are a bubble at best and a fraud at worst. It's very lucrative for auction houses and grading companies to artifically inflate the market so they can take a cut of listings and gradings. Just like with graded retro games and coins before that. I wouldn't be surprised if the buyer was in bed with the auction house, the grading company, or both.

Karl Jobst explains it better.


DanielPhermous t1_j9d6umt wrote

Artificially inflate what market, exactly? I doubt there's a huge pile of sealed, mint, original iPhones anywhere. This is the first time in fifteen years I've heard of one being sold.


Gden t1_j9dfkue wrote

Arguably having grading on anything hurts everything by making it seem like grading is worth using on everything else


Sweetwill62 t1_j9e5dlm wrote

The market they are trying to create, same way they created the market for retro games as we know it. Used to be just a whole bunch of regional collectors until the collectors noticed that a few people were just buying up tons of stuff but weren't selling it. A few years later we see the bullshit media piece about a sealed copy of Super Mario Bros selling for a million dollars. Yeah a sealed copy of a game that had millions of copies printed is somehow worth a million dollars. Nope just the owners buying and selling it to themselves to try and create a market to profit off of, and they did because people are dumb enough to fall for it.


DanielPhermous t1_j9e689t wrote

Sure, if you like. I mean, there's no evidence that this was anything but a normal auction apart from a YouTube video from a speed runner, so I'm not inclined to jump immediately on to the conspiracy train here.


Sweetwill62 t1_j9e6t0y wrote

The person who put up the item for sale at the auction house is friends with the people who own the auction house. And it was not ever sold for anywhere close to that price beforehand. If just those two bits of info aren't enough for you then I honestly don't know what is.


DanielPhermous t1_j9e9058 wrote

> The person who put up the item for sale at the auction house is friends with the people who own the auction house.

Not according to the article.

“Green considered selling the iPhone over the years, but kept it until she contacted LCG Auctions in October after learning that another first-generation iPhone from 2007 was sold for nearly $40,000. She told Insider's Jackson she needed the money for her cosmetic tattoo studio.”


Sweetwill62 t1_j9e946d wrote

I'm talking about the sealed copy of Super Mario Bros.


DanielPhermous t1_j9e9865 wrote

And I’m talking about the initial accusation that this auction was rigged in the same way.


Sweetwill62 t1_j9e9ffo wrote

Ok? I didn't say it was rigged in the same way, just for the same purpose.


zuma15 t1_j9d74cm wrote

Yeah it's a scam. They tried the same shit with VHS tapes. Good catch.


[deleted] t1_j9af1f4 wrote



[deleted] t1_j9ar82s wrote



HomesickWanderlust t1_j9asgk8 wrote

Just you in particular


[deleted] t1_j9atiwo wrote



[deleted] t1_j9avuix wrote



[deleted] t1_j9awdvs wrote



[deleted] t1_j9b0lq5 wrote



thisismyname03 t1_j9bj0mm wrote

I ate ghost pepper jerky and my butt is on fire


seboll13 t1_j9e3288 wrote

So you learn that the original price was < 633$. It hurts 🥺


TheAppleFallsUp t1_j9b1rtk wrote

That's IT? The Model T of phones? Arguably one of the greatest inventions in the history of the planet sold for less than 7 figures?

We need more income inequality.


[deleted] t1_j9falk4 wrote

>The Model T of phones

Not even remotely close.

>Arguably one of the greatest inventions in the history

Good joke.

Oh wait, you are serious.

My fucking sides are in orbit.


xcrunner1988 t1_j9b6a5b wrote

I’ve got an unopened HP Palm tablet. I’m sure there are Harvard Business School case studies on what a disaster it was going up against first gen iPad. I was a Handspring guy. But even I bought an iPad. Probably not a $60K collectible.


AMirrorForReddit t1_j9bqosv wrote

These kinds of sales are never about the object that is being sold. In otherwords, it's not that anyone thinks a iphone is worth that much. It's just a money laundering scheme, or a scam or fraud, where an iphone happens the be the surrogate item.

Infact, this article is part of the plan, as well as its being posted to reddit. 100% certain.


Arbitrage650 t1_j9dd2ga wrote

Possibly but that’s a lot of work to launder $60k. Modern art is often just a front for money laundering but single pieces can go for tens of millions


AMirrorForReddit t1_j9den30 wrote

That's because this is jsut the start of making this object worth millions. It may be only 60k now, but it is already being worked on to make it more. That's what this buzz cycle is all about. Giving the "piece" history, and that brings up the value, etc.

When I look at articles like this where X item was auctioned at X outrageous amount of money, I don't think, "Oh wow, that could have been me had I kept an Iphone." Instead I think, "Oh, there are some people who have connections and are playing some kind of game that I would never have been able to be a part of."


Zenketski_2 t1_j9but5q wrote

What's funny about this is I actually know a guy who had like a beta tester iphone.

He worked in the tech industry and had a iPhone before they were ever actually released to the public, I got to fuck around with it when I was a kid it was the coolest shit ever.

It wasn't his though he didn't get to keep it. If I remember correctly he said he only got to have it for like a year before he had to send it back.

Had he somehow held on to that piece of technology I wonder how much it would be worth.


DanielPhermous t1_j9cnqfg wrote

The prototypes for the first iPhone never left the Apple campus. Heck, they never went far inside the campus either. They were in a sectioned off area where only people who were working on the device were allowed.


flyfoam t1_j9c3uqg wrote

I still have my original iPhone and I have the custom shopping bag they made for it. The bag itself is worth a lot more than a used original iPhone.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j9cg5cs wrote

In another post it was 50 some thousand. LMFAO. It gets bigger with every post.


tacticalcraptical t1_j9cpb99 wrote

I found an unopened i486 processor in my parents garage last year. Someone on Ebay was going to give me $22 for it!


saltine_crackwhores t1_j9cs1l0 wrote

Won’t the battery explode at some point or puff up inside the phone?


ALEX7DX t1_j9culzj wrote

I still have one sealed from the first gen, boxed up.


MasterApplesauc t1_j9cvjlq wrote

Adjusted for inflation the price is about accurate.


butterflypoo69 t1_j9d712g wrote

I loved mine. Still one of my favorite photos.


Gold-Progress-193 t1_j9de3a8 wrote

2007 macbook pro available


DanielPhermous t1_j9deo4f wrote

Wasn't exactly a revolution, that one. Maybe a mint, unopened, original Macbook Air?


Slappin_da-bass t1_j9djt2h wrote

Trade it in only pay $33/month for the next 36 months.


tlk0153 t1_j9dkujf wrote

If it was Jobb’s personal phone then I can see some may pay that price . Other than that , you are crazy for doing that


Ok-Armadillo7517 t1_j9dlk5t wrote

Planned obsolescence and product-service systems strike again :O big whoop


wackocoal t1_j9dp1gp wrote

my first touchscreen phone was an iPhone 3G. i find it easy to carry in my pockets.
nowadays, phones are getting bigger and bigger and i missed the 3.5" screen size of the past.


kendo31 t1_j9e01iz wrote

So stupid, how much can I get for a 64gb ipod around the same year, or any other old defunct tech?


DanielPhermous t1_j9e2y3d wrote

Practically nothing. It wasn't the first iPod, I doubt it's mint and I expect it's not still sealed in its original box.


k00kk00k t1_j9e4qfv wrote

About the same price as the entry level iPhone 15


thedoggydaddy t1_j9ekz7p wrote

What an absolute ripoff. Dude doesnt realize he can get the newest one for like 1000$?


saxbophone t1_j9eq40x wrote

That is close to the maximum 16-bit unsigned integer in dollars, 65,536!


taix8664 t1_j9erx3u wrote

My old iphone 5S should go for five times that then, right?


[deleted] t1_j9fa6ck wrote

Who the fuck would buy this. There are literally millions of them out there.

I wish I had 65 grand to spaff up the wall.


Syrinex t1_j9asgdl wrote

flappy bird? xd


namezam t1_j9ae3kg wrote

Tl;dr that iPhone would have had to sell for $86k to be 100x the price of what it was in 2007.

$10 today isn’t 10x $1 from 2007. Money is worth less now due to inflation. A $600 iPhone in 2007 corrected for inflation today is $865.

Another way to look at it is if you put $100 in a safe in 2007 and you pull it out now, it’s still $100 but worth a lot less than it was back then, only $69 in today’s money when buying an item that also corrected for inflation. So if a widget costs you $100 today, if it followed the same inflation, it would have cost $69 in 2007, but you still had $100 bill back then. Today that money has lost value so it takes the whole $100 to buy that widget.

Edit: well since I’m on the downvote train, I don’t guess there’s much I can do at this point but I did want to clarify that i meant this in the context of reselling an item for a profit. People will read this and say “they made 100x!” and I was showing why that’s not the case. All the time people get mad at the price of something in the past compared to now and that’s because they aren’t correcting for inflation. Sure, as the other guy pointed out price vs value, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m actually talking about price, that price was in a different currency, it was in 2007USD which is not the same as today. I know we are talking about a headline and yes it’s fun to see “100x”, I just wanted to add some economics in there as well.

Edit2: removed the superfluous first line and fixed the 10x that should have been 100x


DownwindLegday t1_j9ahabz wrote

I get what you are saying, but the title is not "10x the original value". It's "10x the original price" and it is in fact 10x the price. You have done a good job showing that it's not 10x the value though.


RabidMortal t1_j9ahpdf wrote

> Tl;dr that iPhone would have had to sell for $86k to be 10x the price of what it was in 2007.

You mean 100x


We_Are_The_Romans t1_j9afsjl wrote

Also, the opportunity cost of not doing something else with that money.

Unlikely they would have found a better use for the money with a higher ROI, though


Michigan999 t1_j9af0kx wrote

Wow that's nothing! In my country inflation has grown 94% since 2007
