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MenopausalMama t1_j6lzicr wrote

If you don't find anyone you can rent a pick-up truck at U-Haul pretty cheap. We've done it several times. With it only being 3 miles you'll probably pay about $30.


YourTokenGinger t1_j6mrwr8 wrote

Yeah, a mouse or two in the colder months was normal for my house growing up, and we cleaned our house pretty thoroughly regularly. Moving sounds a lot more expensive and inconvenient than buying a couple mouse traps and a jar of peanut butter.


Same-You-6523 t1_j6mu3wq wrote

And how did you find 2 different places to live in 2 months during this housing crisis?! I'm jealous. Good luck moving. I hear there's no mice on the south side.


-Valued_Customer- t1_j6mxtib wrote

Glue traps are extremely inhumane. Removing mice from these traps will almost always result in broken or even torn legs and cause unnecessary suffering.

Better to use an old fashioned one-and-done lever mousetrap, which is quick and relatively painless.


iced-macchiato t1_j6n8occ wrote

Not to be rude but if I moved every time I found a mouse I’d be moving every few months… Keep your place clean, put out some traps, stuff steel wool into spaces they might climb in through such as gaps in walls/cabinets, and spray peppermint oil around all baseboards and doors/windows and most pests will be kept away.