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Speuter_Your_BBM t1_j44lcy6 wrote

Oh dear… this is embarrassing for you. You’re slamming someone else for not knowing anything about dogs, yet you claim that pit bulls were nanny dogs. Big yikes.

THIS IS A MYTH, started by Staffie breeder Lillian Rant in 1971 to distance the dogs from their fighting heritage. She called them “nursemaid” dogs. Check for any historical mention of “nanny dog” prior to 1971. You won’t find it. (Note: random Google blogs don’t count)

Please stop spreading this myth. It’s getting children killed. Every time you share this myth, you have the blood of dead children on your hands.

I’m going to share the pit bull EXPERTS that have publicly stated that pit bulls were NEVER nanny dogs. If pro-pit experts are saying this, please listen.

  1. The Pit Bull Advocates of America- It’s NOT All How They Are Raised/Nanny Dog Myth

  2. The Pit Bull Federation of South Africa

  3. Gudwulf’s Pit Bull Rescue

  4. Pit Bull Organization Bad Rap

  5. Ned Hardy Organization

As far as the PBFSA and Gudwulf’s; just visit their page and search the word “nanny” and you’ll find the info you need.

I’m begging you… please don’t ever spread this myth again.

Even if they ever were nanny dogs; the amount of horrid back yard breeding and number of dogs used for fighting would certainly not make that UNtrue today (they weren’t)… they kill and catastrophically injure more children every year than all other breeds combined.

Just THIS LAST WEEKEND PIT BULLS SCALPED TWO CHILDREN that were playing in their own neighborhoods.

11 year old Justin, GA, pulled off his bike and scalped by 3 bully breeds

7 Year old girl scalped and killed as she played in her own yard

This past October, American Bullies killed BOTH of a family’s children, age 2 and 5 months old. The family had owned the dogs for 8 years with zero incidents.

Please, please stop the myth.