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dentalmomma OP t1_j3hj8py wrote

Geez. I can't imagine. My daughter is 7 and super sensitive....not only emotionally, but also to everyone around her. Something like that would absolutely crush her. (Especially since she's at the age that her and little Susie might get along one day but not the next, and that in itself is an earth-shattering event of course.)

Unfortunately, she's also the product of divorce. That event can be hard enough on a kiddo, but also having her friends essentially stand her up on her BIRTHDAY? Hurts my heart to think about.

You, my friend, are doing a hell of a job at this dad business. Co-parenting with an ex that you DO get along with is challenging enough. Co-parenting with one that can be difficult can be brutal lol. Well done for inviting the mom. I know your kiddo will remember that as she gets older and one day she'll understand exactly what that gesture meant.

You hang in there and keep up the good work. You're doing a great job 💙


Koyoteelaughter t1_j3hsehz wrote

When my wife left me I was bitter and hated her. But my daughter made me promise to be civil with her. She asked me and almost begged me not to be mean to her mom, so even when my ex-wife insulted my siblings and parents, I just took it like a beat dog so that I kept my word.

I'd made a deal with my daughter when she was young. So long as she told me when she did something bad, she'd never be punished. If she lied, her punishment would be severe, like extra long grounding or something. I also promised her that so long as she always told me the truth, I would never lie to her about anything. No matter what it was, if she wanted the truth, I'd tell her. When she asked me if there was really a santa claus, I told her that I was either going to say yes or no, and asked her if she could live with both those answers. I made her wait two weeks before I answered it to decide if she really wanted to know the answer. AFter two weeks, she said she'd prefer to know the truth, so I told there was no santa claus. When she asked me about the tooth fairy, I told her there were lots of gay dentists. lol.


dentalmomma OP t1_j3htnot wrote

I'm a dental assistant. I can vouche for that 🧚

Also. Hats off to you. You're doing all the hard things. I commend you 🥹