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GBBorkington t1_j2ugo30 wrote

Try Bibi Health. It may take a while to get in but they’re worth it.


spunkypunk t1_j2vd42i wrote

I’ve had a decent experience with Bibi. I’ve definitely had worse


-Valued_Customer- t1_j2wn6d8 wrote

Have you been seeing them long? My wife has been going there for about a year now, and while she’s currently happy with the NP she sees, the guy who actually has to prescribe the meds—Dr. Bains, who also owns the place—is routinely late. This last time he was an entire week late. As you might imagine, this is not ideal when you take a medication the sudden cessation of which could put you into withdrawal.

Unfortunately, there is simply no better option for her insurance. Cox just has shit providers.


GBBorkington t1_j2yr3p7 wrote

We’ve been going for over a year and have had zero problems with them. We see Dr Bains and he fills everything on time.


-Valued_Customer- t1_j2z18eo wrote

Do you request refills early?