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drewboto t1_j2uc6nq wrote

Right?! I'm all for better bike lanes, pedestrian pathways and better public transit but let's not act like we're all gonna find that extra date per year by cycling and walking. Also, I would assume bus stops and busses would be more like airports where people put in AirPods and keep to themselves. Anecdotally, I see drivers having social hour all the time with calls, messages and FaceTime anyway.


Television_Wise t1_j2uvqtl wrote

>Also, I would assume bus stops and busses would be more like airports where people put in AirPods and keep to themselves.

I've had some nice conversations with people at bus stops and on the bus, and even made longer-term friends that way.

A lot of people aren't in the mood to chat, but it's not unusual to talk with people.

Keep in mind too, that Springfield's permanent bus riders are a small amount of people. You will see some of the same people for years and that makes it easier to get to know them. I doubt that's true for air travel since few people fly every day but lots of bus people take the bus for a regular commute and the rest of their travel needs.