Submitted by gypster85 t3_zq19f0 in springfieldMO

I'm looking at switching over to Brightspeed's 1gb Fiber plan since it's newly available in my area. I've looked at reviews for Brightspeed though, and they seem extremely negative. Does anyone currently use Brightspeed Fiber, and if so, what are your impressions so far?



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AutoModerator t1_j0vo590 wrote

This looks like it might be a post about area ISPs because it contains the word Brightspeed. If so be sure to read past posts on the subject. They all basically say this: In Springfield your options are Mediacom, Att, and now Brightspeed Fiber (in limited areas).

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AIRxJ0RDANx23x t1_j0vqjrr wrote

I haven't had to contact customer service, so I can't speak to that. I signed up with quantum about a year and a half ago. Only had one outage after a storm damaged some equipment. I haven't noticed any slowdowns and have not rebooted my ONT once. For the price the is nothing better available around here


Mechanicallvlan t1_j0vrrag wrote

Installation went fine, and I haven't had any outages in the three months since I had it installed. My wired speeds were lower than I expected at first, but I think that was actually an issue with the crappy Ethernet in my old motherboard. I built a new PC, and now I'm getting the advertised speeds. This is like.... a million times better than my experience with Mediacom. I have no complaints.

I don't know if this will help anyone, but one issue I had is that "Cyber Security" in the supplied C4000XG was preventing my Plex sever from working. I had to disable that.


MartonianJ t1_j0vtlop wrote

We’ve had it for a year now and it’s so much better than the AT&T DSL we had before. It’s about 10 times as fast and only $5 or $10 more a month. I think we pay $65. I’ve also not had to deal with customer service as I’ve not had any issues with the service where I’d need to contact them. I would highly recommend it.


EscapedAzkaban t1_j0vun5d wrote

I had Quantum, which is now brightspeed, was installed Novemember of last year and after a year of talking to both companies, they still will not come back and bury the fiber line across my yard, so I would say customer service is not up to par.


eva-cybele t1_j0vv53z wrote

I've had zero problems, when Mediacom before then would go down on me CONSTANTLY. Occasionally the wifi from their provided router will dip out for a few seconds but that's like once or twice a month? Zero major outages in over a year. And you can't beat the price.


mb10240 t1_j0vxc78 wrote

Their free router/modem is crap and hard to replace. But the service, otherwise, is spectacular.


MaxYuckers t1_j0vxj8o wrote

I have had Brightspeed (formerly Quantum) for about a year now and hope I never have to go back to Mediacom. No data limits, much faster speeds, and a significantly lower price per speed. Have only experienced 1 service outage. I had to search a little to find how to contact customer service, but once I found it I was pretty much immediately put in a chat with someone.

I would say go for it. You won't be in any contract so you can always switch back to another ISP.


voxelbuffer t1_j0vyg9z wrote

I started with them when it was Quantum, fairly early on. Install went great, tech was super nice, never had any outages or anything. Like others are saying, I haven't had to contact Brightspeed customer support at all, but the fact that I'm getting consistent, fast speeds is better than anything I've ever had before. So, recommended.

Not sure what the installation process is like now, I got in fairly early. I've read some negative comments to their current installation procedures (installing in-air vs underground, charging people for install, etc)


Rich_Astronaut8225 t1_j0w01q5 wrote

We had some issues getting it installed last year with Quantum (they dug our neighbors yard, not ours) but have had great service since then. Cheaper than Mediacom and less outages.


mb10240 t1_j0w0o1w wrote

Yes. But you still need their equipment. They don’t offer a modem by itself, as far as I know. It’s a router/modem combo. And you’re still going to have to use it unless you find a router that supports VLAN mapping and IPoE authentication.


EcoAffinity t1_j0w2p0e wrote

When I applied for Quantum, it said it was available for my home. In actuality, it was available down the street from my house, and would require me to pay $1500 to get it built the rest of the way. The tech that came out apologized, saying he hated they would just let these kinds of bookings go through when they already know in the system if it would require additional work and people didn't want to pay extra like that. He was cool and said ATT actually just installed fiber in front of my house (which I mistakenly thought was Quantum) and their service is good too.


mb10240 t1_j0w4j76 wrote

I’m using all of their shit because I gave up trying to set up my Orbi behind their equipment.

(I could set it up in a double NAT condition, but that’s not acceptable to me)


pr1moispfat t1_j0w6r4w wrote

Quantum was Worst customer service of any company I have ever dealt with. Since brightspeed took over haven't dealt with customer service but speed is noticeably slower, still faster than what I need so I haven't said anything.


tdawg-1551 t1_j0w8l66 wrote

If you can get fiber at your house, get fiber (as long as the cost is comparable). It is soooo much better than anything else.


the_honeyman t1_j0whb1y wrote

What this person is saying isn't always true. I have a separate modem and router, they supplied both, never had any problems.

Edit: it has been pointed out that maybe what I'm calling a modem is actually an ONT. Still, I've not had problems with their equipment, though ymmv in big spaces with lots of users, as always when it comes to wireless protocols.


TWR3545 t1_j0wht0v wrote

Suppose to be on the list to get it, but been waiting for awhile. Utilities were marked but nothing else happened.

I’d really like to have it, faster internet that actually delivers on the promise is what I hear of it.


mb10240 t1_j0wixcv wrote

Wifi coverage with their included router is lacking for my particular house. No easy way to expand coverage, except for repeaters that don’t integrate easily with their garbage equipment.

So, I guess your experience might vary based on house size and what your setup is like. I run a variety of home servers (a NAS, Plex server, a PiHole, among others), have a number of smart devices, and my house is 130+ years old and 3600 square feet. The C4000XG is garbage for a power user or anyone needing a decent amount of wifi coverage.

But saying “what this person says isn’t true,” is just rude. And what you’re calling “the modem” is likely the ONT, which is not a modem at all. It doesn’t handle authentication for their fiber optic network.


segin t1_j0wtrio wrote

I had an in-air install in May 2021 when they first came to my area.

Had a new install in October that got delayed due to the change in ownership. They didn't do any worse of a job.


the_honeyman t1_j0wtsjh wrote

I said "isn't always true," which is neither calling you a liar nor rude. If that hurt your feelings, I don't know what to tell you.

I don't know of a single retail router that can provide good coverage for 3600sq ft, so idk if that's really a knock on their equipment.

Thanks for the education on the ONT though. My knowledge is completely coax/cat5 networking. I can splice fiber, but that's about all I've had training on.


mb10240 t1_j0wvy8e wrote

If I could put a (retail) mesh router in of my own choosing, absolutely would not have an issue in coverage. But you can’t do that, at least in an acceptable way.

Even if you don’t have a 3600 square foot house, just having a second story and a not centrally located place for their equipment would be problematic. You can add a 3rd party network extender, but those are largely hit or miss.


gypster85 OP t1_j0x011m wrote

I've heard of some people plugging the Brightspeed router (4000XG?) into their own router (like an Orbi), then turning off the signal from the BS router. Far from ideal, but we might try that.


mb10240 t1_j0x2oe7 wrote

Yeah, you can do that, but then you’ve got a double NAT. I tried DMZing the C4000XG to my Orbi to avoid that and got some pretty lousy results.

I bought a TP-Link 802.11ax extender and it works… some of the time. Definitely not perfect.


name-isnt-important t1_j0xb1om wrote

Good luck so far but just had installed. Installation went pretty well.


shellux t1_j0xejtr wrote

If you know what you're doing, and have capable hardware, you just need to setup a VLAN interface on 201 and setup a DHCP client on it. There is no PPPoE on the connection, it's EoIP. The only thing that's required is their ONT.


sgf-guy t1_j0xfkhi wrote

They just put on the poles on my block metal fiber line (OGPW I believe is the name…looks like ACSR wire) but are now having some bundles of black fiber showing up. Anyone know the rough time frame of the physical wire on the poles happening and service being available? The progress map is apparently not a thing anymore and if you aren’t already a customer option their search doesn’t know you exist…


Livnthedream430 t1_j0xu9l4 wrote

As of last Friday our area has no internet-I talked to a lady from India today-customer service-she said it was a line down would be back up by 7:30 tonight-it’s not. I too saw the many negative reviews snd I think they may be true


Solidus0333 t1_j0y3txa wrote

I honestly love the internet. The technician was awesome but their customer service is damn near impossible to get ahold of. We got passed around for awhile before we got ahold of someone. They were nice and helpful about it thou.


Virulence93 t1_j0ygr9t wrote

I work from home and we originally had mediacom and I was constantly having issues, the minute I switched, holy crap. Work is so much easier and my husband can game at the same time. It's insane. I haven't had to call them since install over a year ago. Can't recommend them enough


r1verbend t1_j0z3iz3 wrote

I was able to connect Google Mesh and knock out all the dead spots in our home. Before Brightspeed; I had to pay extra for a repeater from Mediacom, and couldn’t use WiFi in the basement, a room off our dining room, our kitchen or backyard. It has been nice to finally remove those dead zones and have fast internet anywhere in the house.


cdkzfw t1_j10zjoq wrote

I did that and it worked fine, just make sure your router is setup in access point mode, otherwise they will both be trying to hand out IPs.

My TP Link Deco Mesh system actually has the ability to set the VLAN required for IPOE athentication, but I noticed slower speeds.


Bot_Escobar t1_j117eo1 wrote

Their customer support has not been helpful for me. I've had two different issues and they claim "we don't block any connections or services" For both different issues I had. I've told them that "it doesn't mean there isn't an issue" but no budge. ¯\(ツ)

1st one was downloading a game from blizzard client (don't remember tbh) but it would completely shut off my internet and the cx400g would start flashing and not work unless I restarted it or stopped the download. Actually, this has happened again just recently but through a different game that uses p2p transfer to download the game and same shit happened; internet went down and cx400g would flash (or change status light) and not work.

2nd issue is that I cannot connect to assetto corsa competizione servers. I am forced to use mudfish (a VPN) in order to play the game online. This is due to BS using tinyproxy. Which is something they apparently can't change or switch off for certain people, which others having the same issue were able to solve by the isp changing something about it. I know the reason why tiny proxy is in use, which is to save bandwidth.

Forced to switch to BS because how can you beat $65 a month for fiber when the next competitor does $150 for 1gig fiber WITH a data cap(even though I never got close).

Edit: Someone mentioned switching VLAN TAG to 201. I did that and now i can use my own router and everything works as usual. The combo they gave me was default settings... soo idk


DyktMuffinManwlodl t1_j1495li wrote

Those of us that have Brightspeed after being with Mediacom or ATT for years feel very blessed for the upgrade.


mysickfix t1_j15h3p3 wrote

i tired for 2 weeks with support. zero assistance, and oddly most calls had a flipping rooster crowing in the background.

finally got to someone who understood where i was coming from with my tech support background, and all the troubleshooting i had done. tech is supposed to be here tomorrow, but i have a feeling weather will cancel


Alive_Version_2479 t1_j2dx2e0 wrote

They still have me dsl in Alabama an I think there the worst company in the world I'm so angry 😡 it's hard to put thoughts together it's slow wen it comes to gaming customer service sucks an power outages turn the modem lights yellow on my side