Submitted by knockoffpatrick t3_zz6mg7 in springfieldMO

I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but it seems like there are a ton of police driving around and pulling people over for (presumably) traffic related issues. Is there a reason why they're extra present and seemingly hostile?

Edit: Thank you for your responses! Hostile is probably the wrong word, I just meant more active and therefore less tolerant than usual of whatever traffic violations are happening.



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Salt-Description-387 t1_j29qhva wrote

Seemingly hostile? You’re assuming they’re hostile because there are more out? Most departments and MSHP increase patrols/traffic enforcement when a holiday is near.


kernelpanic789 t1_j29qi0d wrote

Gotta hit that quota before the new year starts and they start all over.


EyeOk389 t1_j29r4vy wrote

We could use more in my opinion..


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j29s8hp wrote

There was a News-Leader article about it, they've been advertising for recruits and are trying to address their staffing shortage.

I don't know about them being hostile, have there been incidents, or did you have an incident?

Incidentally, I saw a cop car with front-end damage being loaded on a flatbed on Grand just east of Campbell this morning, anyone know what happened?


FrozenBearMo t1_j29wo6t wrote

Traffic tickets are a big money maker for the city and state. It’s holiday season too, so most out -of-state people will not contest the ticket and just pay it.


thrwy4286 t1_j2a0f3b wrote

It's New Years weekend. They step up patrols and offer their officers overtime during weekends like this.


Acrobatic-Yak-1574 t1_j2a355x wrote

I drive like grandma out here because they are absolutely everywhere and Im pretty sure you'll get pulled over for doing 5 over. No thanks. Seen plenty of other drivers pulled over for minimal speeding....City is growing and they need to keep the revenue pilling in.


GSPilot t1_j2ahqw2 wrote

It’s the long anticipated (by reddit) crackdown on expired temporary tags.

Next let’s do driving with your blinker on !


sprocter77 t1_j2aijmd wrote

They gotta hit that end of year ticket quota.


throwawayyyycuk t1_j2axih2 wrote

Isn’t there a law going into effect on Jan 1st that makes it illegal to sleep on public lands in missouri? Maybe they’re getting ready for the judge dredd crackdown on the homeless


LBrief-Albatr t1_j2b2u86 wrote

So, Police are "seemingly hostile" for doing their job? What has happened to Springfield Mo? People bitch about everything.


DirtyOldSamurai t1_j2bc20b wrote

End of the month, end of the year. Gotta make that cold hard cash somehow


Stuke9 t1_j2be8jq wrote

Click it or ticket


daQueen1011 t1_j2bl0g2 wrote

They’ve been out in full force on 44 as well. Drove to Rolla today and there were about 8 of them hanging out pulling people over just outside of Waynesville.


vanoopty t1_j2bzoyo wrote

All over branson too. Could be the holiday weekend, but I feel like it has been since around Thanksgiving.


Sally_twodicks t1_j2c07u2 wrote

If traffic tickets are big money, could we please tell them to park their asses over at the tennis courts by Bennett and National because it is a literal no man's land of shitty fucking driving around there.


Zahille7 t1_j2c9he5 wrote

The dipshits in this town who don't use their turn signals infuriate me to no end.

It's like, how the fuck would you like it if you're just cruising along on the highway and some asshole merged in front of you without using their signal? You'd be pretty upset if you had to suddenly hit your brakes and swerve a bit just because someone couldn't do the bare minimum of paying attention while they drive - you know, the only job you have when you drive.


pexelto t1_j2cgbbo wrote

Damn straight I have been waiting for it. When I pull up behind someone with paper tags that expired in 2021, I think the chances are pretty good that they don't carry insurance and probably don't even have a valid license.


IGot7_ChickenNuggets t1_j2cuz1u wrote

  1. end of the month, trying to fill quotas (from what i’ve been told)
  2. holiday weekend

Substantial_Injury97 t1_j2deuz8 wrote

about time -- To many, w/o insurance and or NO DL, stolen plates plus they are the ones anyone that is legit, has to cover. Hostile? NO - Officers out there, doing a job no one wants just to keep us safe. Give RESPECT, you will get respect.


mrsdex1 t1_j2eawlq wrote

Revenue generation. The nee prison..I mean jail totaled 156 million.


Why_T t1_j2ewvdd wrote

You do need to pay personal property tax. And had you paid that in 2022 you'd have only had to play the $12 for plates ($24 for 2 year). But not you're in 2023 and will have to pay both years personal property tax, fines for not tagging your car, and you'll be limited to one year plates. Also you'll likely need an inspection, another $12.

Welcome to being an adult, you don't get to just coast through life. And unfortunately our education system doesn't teach the basic skills of adulthood.


Marqueso-burrito t1_j2f46b0 wrote

Yeah no I’ve noticed the whole “education system failed” deal lmao. The inspection stickers here are definitely a little confusing, like does it mean that it was inspected in April of 21 or did it expire in April of 21… also forgot to mention my tags are from my old car (switched em over at the dmv) but I bought my current car in may of 22 and I already paid my tax when I bought and registered it did I not?