Submitted by EngryEngineer t3_zze872 in springfieldMO

Hey there, I know there are a lot of Chinese food posts already here, but I can't find pot stickers here. A lot of good dumplings either fried or steamed, but none that have been cooked in the way that they steam on top, but fry on the bottom where they "stick to the pot." That combination of steamed/roasted/fried textures is what I'm looking for, is there anywhere in town that does it? I'll also happily take suggestions for soup dumplings be they Chinese, Georgian (khinkali), or from any other place!

Here is a picture to show what I'm talking about:



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Mechanicallvlan t1_j2b3f5s wrote

Many years ago, I ordered "fried" dumplings at China King, and I think this is actually how they were cooked. It was a long time ago, so I may be wrong. But as a fat American who wants my dumplings to be completely fried, I think I can remember my disappointment that they were not.

FWIW, Happy China and China King seem to be basically the same, so maybe that is another option?


J_712 t1_j2b8h4g wrote

Hong Kong Inn has potstickers, but not sure if they’re the kind you’re wanting


iced-macchiato t1_j2b8ued wrote

New China on Kansas Expressway has delicious potstickers. Their crab Rangoon is also my favorite in town


the_honeyman t1_j2bc12o wrote

Aldi sells some decent frozen potstickers, they're easy to prepare this way. Toss them in a pan with a little bit of oil, splash in some water after a couple minutes, and you'll have just what you're after.


dhrisc t1_j2bh5rq wrote

Yum yum bowl does them this way. Does them well imo


Moccasinos t1_j2bo8u3 wrote

Fried pot stickers from Thai Express has never done me wrong.


eggs-in-ramen t1_j2c67uk wrote

Yuri inside the battlefield mall has good pot stickers 😋


Rdbaron2000 t1_j2dixyu wrote

Look fir Bibigo in the frozen meals section at grocer. Authentic Asian


whelksandhope t1_j2dop1v wrote

There’s a blue and white bag of frozen potstickers that Walmart sells. These turn out just like you are asking for. These are better than Aldi and better than the green and white bag Bibigo.


DrTadpole t1_j2du1nu wrote

Thai Express does the steamed and fried and there food is my favorite in town, they use jasmine rice that makes me fall in love.


Shyde1991 t1_j2fkk8n wrote

Hong Kong inn on n glenstone has some real good fried ones