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CaptainMagma48 t1_iyooh9e wrote

I'm not very familiar with the route from Aurora to Springfield, and I'm not sure what you're driving, but to make a few things clear for anyone:

  1. If someone is tailgating you in the left lane then you should not be in the left lane.

  2. A following distance of 100 yards is incredibly excessive. Not only is it overkill for braking distance, but there's no possible way you can be maintaining 4 MPH over the speed limit while keeping a following distance of 100 yards.

I'm sure there are people being assholes and driving in an unsafe way, but when there's a pattern of it then it usually means there's some other factor at fault.


PalPubPull OP t1_iyopaun wrote

My car has what is called adaptive cruise control and it can also tell the distance between you and the driver in front of you. Adaptive cruise control is when it matches the cars speed in front of you. 120 yards is the limit. Even with 100 yards at 60-70mph, 100 yards is about a 3 second delay which is what's recommended, and not incredibly excessive.

Agree with the left lane opinion though. Unfortunately there's only a few opportunities between the three opportunities of passing where the left lane is even an option.