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blitzalchemy t1_ixywihj wrote

Reply to comment by pdoxr9 in Physicians: Cox vs Mercy? by [deleted]

I've worked for both but I'll give some brief bits of my experience.


Constantly laying off entire departments or outsourcing, they may not offer some services at all.

Religious institution and are beholden to catholic values in a politicized environment, even less likely to offer some services.

Most doctors I spoke with my time there were rather... obnoxious or pretentious, very 1% "im better than you" vibes.


If there is a service needed, they likely have it and offer it.

Doctors are still split and youll get the pretentious types, but they usually have decent bedside manner, they just treat coworkers bad.

Billing department is kind of a mess at times. If there is a billing issue, you have to be on top of it to get it fixed. (i work in a front facing role, but have nothing to do with backend and I have no idea what mercy is like)


417SKCFAN t1_ixyzyxp wrote

While Cox doesn’t check the layoff box, they also have outsourced entire departments.


blitzalchemy t1_ixz1rqm wrote

Honestly, the only one i can think of is the IT department. Most everything else has a clinic for it, is in house, or they have a partnership.

Regardless, if they are doing that, its not to the extent that Mercy does.