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Gqyoshi t1_ix2eew2 wrote

Reply to comment by ungovernablemushroom in Never by Stonkatron69

Maybe it's the bad apples who ruin it for you folks on the North side. Industry and development don't want to build in places where druggies and bums are. The Northside has had that problem for a long time. It's smart to build where the money is, and it's not on the north side. It's not personal it's big business unfortunately.


robzilla71173 t1_ix63dzw wrote

You apparently don't work in manufacturing or tech. With the exception of jack Henry and part of SRC, virtually all of that is on the north side. The south side is more retail and medical than industry. You dont build factories where the money is. You build them where the skilled workers are. Nobody wants to put a science lab next to southern hills where the rich old maga farts live. They want it next to a university full of younger, more educated workers. I know from experience, it's where we're building ours.

Personally I find the weekly 'north side is full of poors so dont go north of...'' posts reassuring. It's nice to know the people who think this stuff will never be my neighbor.


G0alLineFumbles t1_ix51fws wrote

People just keep moving further south also. All of Springfield is too close to poor neighborhoods to have any one area be a good area. At this point all of the upper middle class millennials I know are fleeing or have fled to the surrounding towns. Nixa, Ozark, Republic, Rogersville. No one wants their kids in SPS.


ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_ix8j0dh wrote

>Springfield is too close to poor neighborhoods to have any one area be a good area.

Are you saying that poor people make neighborhoods "bad?" I really hope that's not what you're saying.