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WendyArmbuster t1_ivraa3a wrote

It may seem that way, but you've got to remember, most people don't want mass housing. No young kid says, "When I grow up I'm going to live in an apartment!" People look at the heat maps of reported crime and see the obvious relationship between high density apartments and rentals and crime. Nobody aspires to work in a call center, go home to an apartment, and spend their evenings taking mad bong rips and playing video games outside of the Reddit community. I mean, it was fun in college, but as an adult? Nobody wants that.


robzilla71173 t1_ivrcp5r wrote

The people in this group are who we're talking about. It's weird to watch the group think reverse course.


WendyArmbuster t1_ivrv7xf wrote

I don't think there's as many people who are for high density housing as it seems though. They're just loud about it. Even the ones who are for high density housing aren't really for luxury high density housing, especially when it's plopped right across from a favorite park.

Me personally, I hate apartments, and especially when they're placed in existing neighborhoods. I hate the lifestyle it forces the residents to endure. I hate the inability to earn equity on your housing budget. I hate how landlords get richer and tenants get nothing in the long term. I hate how they destroy the value and character of neighborhoods. I hate that you can't practice your trumpet or drums there, do woodworking projects, store your canoe, work on your own vehicle, build a skateboarding half-pipe, or grow a garden. I hate the consumer lifestyle apartments promote.