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Television_Wise t1_iv13zgf wrote

I've been hit by a driver. I had a "WALK" symbol to cross, but a driver decided to make a right-on-red across the crosswalk and hit me straight on with one of those enormous pickup trucks. Luckily since he'd been stopped he wasn't going fast enough to seriously damage me.

It could be that he legitimately looked and did not see me--there's a reason pedestrians are disproportionately hit by trucks and SUVs--the vehicle's heights mean shorter people and children crossing in front of them cannot be seen because the hood sits so high they're blocked from view. But he probably just wasn't looking in the first place, because drivers are not taught to be pedestrian-aware or look for humans rather than cars before making a turn.

I didn't bother calling the cops so it wasn't included in the pedestrians-hit stats. I doubt I'm the only that brushed myself off and went on without calling it in, so the stats are probably higher than what is shown.