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the_honeyman t1_itqyvm0 wrote

Reply to comment by banjomin in Vote NO on Question #1 by [deleted]

As I said in another comment, these exact same arguments were trotted out in relation to the bike trails and other proposals. Yall don't want your property values to be impacted by an apartment complex. Fair argument. Being upset specifically by the "corporate" part of the development smacks of "it was fine until it impacted me."

You all are just as opposed to the corporate housing development occurring around Missouri State, then? Where was the campaign to stop Grad School being demolished in favor of corporate apartments?


Cold417 t1_itqz3ez wrote

That neighborhood would have been responsible for fighting that development. Considering the population is mostly transient...Yeah.


the_honeyman t1_itqzlse wrote

So it's fine for affordable housing to be demolished in favor of expensive downtown apartments for students, because the neighborhood didn't have enough money to fight it, but it's not ok for mixed use development to occur in a place that wouldn't be expanding urban sprawl because the rich people who live there don't want it close to them?


Cold417 t1_itr0gy9 wrote

You're the only one making that argument, bro.