Submitted by r1verbend t3_ycotpm in springfieldMO

I saw some interesting shipment on the back of a semi truck around September 26th and then again today. It appeared to be an F-18 without its wings; under a dark blue tarp. Although, it did have its two tail fins attached. Today, I saw the same thing again. I am curious if anyone else has seen this recently? Today; the truck was exiting 65 South and headed East on 60.



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EyeOk389 t1_itnfn9r wrote

I came across one a few weeks ago. It's not like they were trying to hide it either. Wasn't so much as a tarp, as it was more like a protective plastic wrap.


MOF1fan t1_itnoi1v wrote

I saw both of the ones your talking about. Super curious to know whats under that tarp


DaltonTanner1994 t1_itnp8vs wrote

We make F18s in St. Louis. I’ve seen them move them for years.


r1verbend OP t1_itnsizb wrote

That’s pretty cool. I’m not sure where this would be heading though (if it came from St. Louis). If they’re headed out East of Springfield there would probably be better routes out of St. Louis.


OmniFella t1_itnxufn wrote

I see them tear ass out of the airport all the time. Our warehouse is right in the flight path. Loud as hell.


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_itnz69u wrote

They transport them through here pretty routinely. I’ve lost track of how many I’ve seen, although I did used to drive 44 routinely which helped with seeing unusual things.


rbrodder t1_itob56c wrote

They are F18 Superhornet aft fuselages being shipped from California to St.louis. Final assembly and flight testing is in St.Louis.


sgf-guy t1_itoozcd wrote

Aviation enthusiast and have also passed a F18 at highway speeds in the 417.

I’ve been on the deck of an aircraft carrier during launch and recovery with a ton F18s.

They are old as can be in cutting edge tech but still ok for general military use. Not first strike but still fog of war good.

The eurofighter is prob the best of that generation of fighters……lot of tech and ability compromises..,but as any warfighter will tell you it isn’t just about ability but what’s best for the battleground you have to fight on.