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curious_bi-winning t1_iuc9oo8 wrote

Where and how have you noticed something like this?


Apprehensive-Wing894 t1_iudrq4w wrote

>everyone because if it I've noticed. Not sayin

I work downtown, I manage 8 buildings, 4 centered towards college aged kids, the other 4 is more aimed at the 30-50 crowd there. I'm hands on and like to get to know most of the tenants, through my conversations over the years I've gleamed this sad reality. People can downvote me all day long but doesn't stop the truth from still being true. The stats show marriage is dropping, LTR are becoming rarer, and marriage/divorce rates are going in bad directions.

The worst part of my job is the domestic violence calls and drug ODs, people in general seem really unhappy anymore. It's really sad to think the majority of the low 20s will probably never find real long lasting love.


Low_Tourist t1_iughwi5 wrote

Young 20something adults are *checks notes* having sex? THE HORROR!! HARLOTS!!!