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ThrownAwayPeach t1_irsd2o0 wrote

These are wonderful and where can I get one?!


Tshuck89 t1_irsrtww wrote

Can you make this into a hat or a shirt? I would love to buy one if so.


RapidArsenal t1_irtsuj8 wrote



turbulance4 t1_irvk6z4 wrote

It really is. Not sure why you have so many down votes.

Imagine someone holding up a dead deer they just shot and making some kind of pro choice pun, on a tinder profile. Those are the kind of vibes I get here.

And I'm pro choice.


yourmomisglutenfree t1_irwmv5e wrote

I hear what your saying but I don't think that's the intention. It's more that Bass Pro is associated with conservatives, who tend to be pro life especially in the Mid West.

When they see a symbol generally associated with their values that says something they don't agree with it's a funny little "gotcha" moment. It's the same concept as the MAGA hats that say "Made you look, Black Lives Matter."


Tully1022 t1_irtjyqp wrote

I doubt BPS supports killing unborn children. js.


Rocky_Freese t1_irtm3gz wrote

Their whole business model is built around killing things...


Tully1022 t1_iru9zki wrote

Things. Not people. There is a difference.


Wrinklestiltskin t1_irvu8ll wrote

Animals; not "things." There is a difference.

Viewing them as inanimate objects is bullshit and promotes animal cruelty.

If a sentient animal that has already been born is just a thing, then so is a fetus. You and I are just animals too. We are just very self-aware and intelligent compared to other species (some more than others....).