Submitted by Emergency_Beat_600 t3_xyg0mz in springfieldMO

Are people allowed to loiter at EagleStop on Battlefield Rd? I have to be careful pulling in bc there's been so many bikers and I heard that they mess with people's vehicles even if it's an accident, I had people on bikes there cuss me out bc I almost hit one of them pulling it by complete accident and so I left to go across the street.



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Oceanhippo1 t1_irh1hvf wrote

They’re all douchebags. Every single one of them. Fucking fuckfaces.


shizkc t1_irh2z7p wrote

They are the worst. Best thing ya can do is just ignore that entire area. Especially on weekends and after 10 pm.


ProgressMom68 t1_irh5r1f wrote

Bikers loitering at that corner has been an issue for years. The cops refuse to do anything about it.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_irh72gg wrote

I wonder why that is


ICareAboutNihilism t1_iri7ojn wrote

They all know each other from their Patriot Front meetings.


ProgressMom68 t1_irhel3a wrote

They claim that chasing them down in town would be dangerous.


ehoneygut t1_iribube wrote

I'm pretty sure I've seen people on this sub lambast the police for pursuing people in high-speed chases.


robzilla71173 t1_irim2m9 wrote

That was exactly my thought. I remember a post this year where people here were angry at the police in Ozark over an accident during a chase.

A few years ago they did try to catch a motorcyclist who took off here in town. Took 3 departments, a helicopter, and about 6 hours and it finally ended when he went to his mom's house where they were waiting for him. Kept having to back off and just track him so he wouldn't crash. Can't imagine how expensive it would get to do that weekly at the eagle stop. Fwiw, that group were the only people who got tickets for being out during the covid shutdown.


Setter_sws t1_irj0u9g wrote

Well people were upset because a 10 year old boy died.


robzilla71173 t1_irjiku6 wrote

Yes, I know. And that sort of consequence is why they don't just have police chases without a serious need. I don't think the person we were responding to was considering that, nor was the op if they felt a risk of accident was a weak excuse. There have been several fatalities during car chases in my time here.


dhrisc t1_irievp0 wrote

Most spd I see are in suvs, there is literally no way they could catch most of those motorcyclists if the bikers really wanted to get away.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_irhh46i wrote

That's a weak ass excuse 😬 but I can see spd using that one


Salt-Description-387 t1_irsbs6q wrote

You don’t think chasing a motorcycle through town at 100+ is dangerous to the public? For a traffic violation? You work for Greene County, don’t you?


Salt-Description-387 t1_irsb8et wrote

Police can’t do anything because the business refuses to make them leave. If the business allows it, then they can’t be forced to leave. If you all want them gone, maybe contact the business more and complain.


5ofUM t1_irh3lt0 wrote

Just a bunch of goobers at that Eagle Stop. Sorry they did that to you.

The Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot can get real rowdy as well.


ChickenMae t1_irh419r wrote

I’ve been in there and have witnessed the workers try to run them off, they hate it too.


Salt-Description-387 t1_irsbx69 wrote

No they don’t. If they hated it then they would call 911. Those guys buy snacks and fuel so they won’t run them off.


robzilla71173 t1_irimiu4 wrote

Those guys were the only people who got ticketed for ignoring covid laws if I remember right.


TheRealAthlete t1_irkpia7 wrote

Lived across the street and let me tell you, the best part of gas being $5 a gallon was that they finally fucked off and stopped keeping me up until 2am


fenchfletcher t1_irkx7hi wrote

They are pretty much always there and nothing is ever done about them. They are all rude and just seem to like causing trouble and getting in the way, then get pissy at you for daring to want to get gas.


blu3dice t1_irh1gi4 wrote

>I had people on bikes there cuss me out bc I almost hit one of them pulling it by complete accident

PeeWee that you!?


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_irh6zx0 wrote

Really bothered by one error 😬 prolly one of the douchebags huh?


Cloud_Disconnected t1_irh758m wrote

It's a reference to PeeWee's Big Adventure, I don't think it was meant as an insult.


PineappleClear4735 t1_irkgfhm wrote

Lowlife City. I could tell an interesting story about some people in that crowd, but I'm not going to do it without naming names, and I'm sure that would get it deleted.


Mechanicallvlan t1_irhp4pa wrote

I haven't been real impressed with the clientele at that Eagle Stop either, but I go there a lot because I like to use that car wash.


alisk8_exe t1_irjrz51 wrote

my gf works at the bww next to it and she says they meet there every night


throwawayyyycuk t1_irh0c99 wrote

I don’t know if they mess with peoples cars or not, motorcycle people congregate there because it’s a central location that has high octane gas. Please be cautious and observant and try not to hit anyone using the road in a vehicle that is smaller than yours


Cloud_Disconnected t1_irh4i7h wrote

Maybe the motorcyclists should also be cautious and oberservant, and try not to ride 85 mph down Battlefield until 3am every single Friday and Saturday night.


Salt-Description-387 t1_irsc779 wrote

Fuck those guys. They always run from the police and drive around recklessly. I say let them be cause they’re doing a fine job killing themselves.