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lochlainn t1_ir4afel wrote

Reply to comment by notnotpegbundy in Adult ADHD testing by mb10240

Former patient confirming. They are a pill mill with shady billing practices. They give not one shit about patients individually, they book to overflowing and anybody with actual problems they dismiss.

The police refuse to respond to them for involuntary commitment enforcement, and haven't for years, last I knew. Literally every 2 out of 3 appointments I went to somebody was being escorted into an ambulance by the police.


notnotpegbundy t1_ir57psy wrote

Ugh. I hate that that was your experience too. I went to FOUR visits and they almost got me for a grand. And when I stated I wanted to quit my medication for awhile to see if I could handle it naturally, they just told me to cold quit.

I’m crazy enough and have been on enough medication to know that’s a no no.