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Abstracted_Prophets OP t1_jd5pu29 wrote

I took it down in Branson and I did TERRIBLY. I did not fail on something small.


ChewML t1_jd5spj5 wrote

Yikes, I don't know what Branson's route would be... I would try a nearby town.

Can I ask what part was the hardest or biggest deduction?


Abstracted_Prophets OP t1_jd801me wrote

I didn't pull out of the parking space correctly and almost hit two cars. I literally didn't make it to the road.


ChewML t1_jda731s wrote

One of the times I failed after my license expired, I didn't make it out of the parking spot.

I checked all my mirrors and over my shoulders like 3 times, all clear... I put the car in reverse, not even hitting the gas, just let off the brake, the car started to ease back very slowly. I maybe moved a foot or so back, then a jeep came flying through the parking lot behind me. I pressed the brake, I was not even off of it with my foot.

The trooper said, "That's it, were done."

As if I almost hit them, if really wasn't even close...