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darkboba t1_jbcheci wrote

There are three of them working on something. You can't always all be there doing the job, you need to be on standby for when they need the people.


honeyliz03 t1_jbciy5i wrote

does it LOOK like they're doing nothing or do you KNOW if they're actually doing nothing? smh


kram_02 t1_jbcj605 wrote

Yeah. Sometimes this sort of thing makes sense. I don't see any real equipment there, so if they're digging around something sensitive and have to do it by hand that shit is exhausting, makes it possible to keep the job going by tagging out when you get too winded.

If they look like they're having a good time they might just like the dudes they work with.

Of course occasionally it's gotta be unnecessary, like at any job, a lazy day here or there.


Strange_Ad_6206 t1_jbckay0 wrote

If the boss tells you to go there and wait for the truck which should already have arrived, what are you supposed to do?


ybanalyst t1_jbclzfo wrote

Oof, what a terrible take. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Might I suggest deleting this post before it gets downvoted to hell?


kram_02 t1_jbcp018 wrote

Yeah so I looked up that project. Stormwater infrastructure improvements, utility work including GAS line relocations... Among other things.

So yeah, done by hand for a lot of it.

It's gonna take a while, that's quite the project.


kram_02 t1_jbcpqnw wrote

Yes, taking turns digging. You expect them to dig for 8 hours straight without stopping? Or take breaks with no one to tag in and get half as much done?

You know what? I don't care what your answer is. Entitlement at it's max. Piss off


7395715673 t1_jbcq3y8 wrote

Lol, get down there and tell them how to do their job then. I hate seeing people getting paid to not work like they're sentenced to 40 years in a hard labor camp.


LeeOblivious t1_jbctvah wrote

Lol you think they are doing nothing? I'd recommend you try to learn a bit more about their job.

You have safety observers who's job it is to stand around and watch for anything that can hurt someone and stop it from doing so. You have the site engineer who's job it is to stand around and make adjustments as needed to the design and documentation. You have the job site supervisor who's job it is to manage the people on site and make sure that the rules and regulations are followed. You have apprentices who's job it is to watch and learn what they are expected to do and lend a hand when told to do so under the watchful eyes of more senior workers. You have specialists who's job it is to be on standby until it is time to do their specific piece of work. You would not expect excavation specialists to be able to do plumbing, or electrical work, or gas pipes?

There are specializations that each worker has. Just as you would not ask a roofer to wire up a house or a framer to plumb it, so to there are specialization in these types of jobs as well.

It is cheaper and quicker to keep them on site so that when their specific part of the work is needed it can be done right then and not have to call them and stop everything for an hour or two while they get there.


Wonderful-Note-4518 t1_jbcurcb wrote

OP complaining about wasting their taxpayer money. Meanwhile, they just received a state tax return. That's mighty Karen of you.


throwawayyyycuk t1_jbcwn50 wrote

Man maybe if they stand around so much it would be an awesome job. Maybe you should go work with them and get paid to stand around, and then report back to Reddit and tell us how awesome it is standing around all the time


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbcx0fm wrote

Honestly thought about it. For 3 months I have never seen them do more then a small amount of work in a day.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbcyw3v wrote

To clarify for all the blue collar workers offended in the comments. They are slow and bad at every construction project. Look at grant avenue over a month behind schedule and some interesting reports about the businesses being ruined by it. Downtown is weeks behind schedule is started in mid December was supposed to be 90 days. It was just extended until the summer.


templedrake_xo t1_jbd4vr7 wrote

You literally just made yourself seem really ignorant.

You’re probably also the type that believes homeless people suffering from severe mental illnesses should just “stop being lazy and get a job”. Lol so embarrassing.


EngineerTeam6 t1_jbd5x97 wrote

Another case of someone not informed on what they’re talking about. This area of Springfield is one of the tightest corridors in our area to install utilities with so many existing currently under the ground.


LeeOblivious t1_jbd64tq wrote

Dude you sound just like the Tech Bro's I used to work with when I was a System Analyst. Always looking down on those lower in the perceived hierarchy of jobs and minimizing what they do and have to put up with. Always thinking they were smarter than everyone else. Never bothering to understand why we have certain processes, rules, and requirements.

Delays in these kinds of projects are very seldomly caused by the front line workers. Rather the project engineer made assumptions that reality could not back up, the coordinator (often the same as the project engineer) could not coordinate deliveries to the set time schedule, mother nature sabotaged the time frame, needed equipment/parts suddenly became unavailable.

Anyhow, take your blood pressure meds, do some yoga, and smoke some 420 if that is your thing. Just relax and let the pro's do their job as best as reality will let them.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbd6t3a wrote

Having a view different from yours isn't embarrassing. The homeless are mostly awful and lazy. Some definitely need help but the three beginning outside my door this evening and trying to sell people hand warmers were just bums.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbd781i wrote

Sure doesn't mean they aren't months behind schedule and everyday are just standing there. They are the joke of my building as they are never doing any actual work out there. Hell the other day they had 3 trucks and 5 men working in a man hole so one guy was working and 4 watching.


LeeOblivious t1_jbd7uf7 wrote

Yet as multiple people have pointed out that is not reality. Your facts are merely suppositions and conjecturer based on ignorance. You are assuming they are standing around and not doing anything for no good reason. Yet provide no facts to back that up only your feels. So, I'm going to have to put a big old citation needed on your hypothesis that they are standing around and not doing anything resulting in them falling behind.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbd81xg wrote

Quite literally have a picture of them all just standing there. What do you want an 8 hour video of them doing nothing lol? I also have the facts that I live next to it. It have take them 3 months to go about 100 ish feet.


LeeOblivious t1_jbd8nxs wrote

Your density is approaching that of a neutron star in this matter. Go back and closely review what you have been educated on in this topic by a great many other posters. Reflect on that and write a 750 word essay explaining why you feel this way citing reputable sources in the Chicago Style, double spaced in 11 point times now roman font. You will need to show specific cause and effect, that work was waiting to be done at those specific times and the persons standing around were not doing it even though they are qualified and licensed to do said work.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbd9iee wrote

I mean it's pretty well informed I see them standing there doing nothing multiple times almost every day. I have been either walking to and from work or my vehicle and swear I have never seen them doing anything. I watched it take them weeks just to dig a hole. When they were digging in the park central east intersection I mean it was genuinely weeks to dig a hole. My roommate and I made fun of how slow it was multiple times. They would have an entire crew out there watching the one guy in the back hoe. Also they are behind in multiple projects. So that leads me to think it's the people not doing their jobs on time.


BIGVACUUM t1_jbdh4bf wrote

Speaking of do nothing, jeesh you've been defending this for hours, don't you have a job or hobbies?

If you're a underground utility worker I'd say you might have some capacity to speak with the authority you think you have. But obviously "delays" are something that troubles your rigid little perspective. If you're really this upset, stop being a coward and keyboard warrior. Go ask them what the holdup is. And point out while they are working outside you'll be behind your window playing Monday morning quarterback.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbfbz4p wrote

Honestly how upset you keyboard warriors are is hilarious. I will keep going. I know public utilities is wasting millions and months behind schedule. That's facts my road being closed for 9 months I'm allowed to be annoyed with. All the uneducated and lower class being upset at this is super funny.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbfk96e wrote

Not a troll. I have just come to the realization that the people on this subreddit. Do not care that public utilities is months behind schedule burning tax money. I also present a genuine picture of 8 people standing around doing nothing. Then they defend the fact no works being done. Clearly they aren't smart enough to think about this critically. So why try and explain it.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbfln01 wrote

I understand being three months behind schedule means you're slow. It's not up in the air I work in operations. If you're scheduled to be done March 1st and get extended until August. You're slow I can attest to daily seeing them doing nothing. Which if they are way behind schedule and I see them doing nothing daily then I'm not ignorant. I can literally see how it's failing.


LurkingOakleaf t1_jbflwhe wrote

You still don’t understand why a construction worker would be on call even though you have already gotten a good explanation (which even only touches on some reasons why they would have to wait, like waiting on permits). Until you know enough to even be able to tell the difference in work/not work, you don’t have a leg to stand on.


ResultedTag72 OP t1_jbfq5fa wrote

I'm pretty sure when one guy is in the hole digging and 8 guys are watching him. They aren't working. Last week I saw 5 of them dispatched to do something in a man hole. So there was 3 trucks with 4 guys watching the one guy in the manhole.


templedrake_xo t1_jbgei80 wrote

Have you ever thought that maybe they are not able to cognitively function in a typical way within the traditional job setting due to their mental health barriers? Perhaps selling arm warmers is the only form of income they are able to functionally generate during that time. You realize that not everyone has equal access to medical care, let alone psychiatric care. These are very real, very facts regarding this demographic. To make such a gross generalization that most homeless people are lazy over the factual ladder that I explained, is just so baffling. I’m sorry that you were socialized to think in such a narrow minded, black and white way. Sounds miserable.


Apprehensive-Wing894 t1_jdr3423 wrote

Worry about your business and stay out of theirs, they get breaks, they take lunch, and sometimes they screw off when waiting for material or equipment to show up. Maybe if you were working instead of bitching and moaning again on reddit this wouldn't bother you.