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blu3dice t1_j7u1461 wrote

>or walmart,

Virtually no one? Plenty of folks without reliable transportation or that live in food deserts welcome new stores with access to fresh fruits, veggies and meat. Being able to walk and not depend on public transportation or expensive taxis to haul your groceries home.


erichkutslilpp t1_j7u1e94 wrote

You are completely naive if you think anyone wants a walmart built right next to their house. A block or two away? Sure, plenty of people would probably like that.


throwawayyyycuk t1_j7uve7h wrote

I would like to not live in a food desert, and I would prefer that the food locations not be neighborhood Walmarts, but that is asking a lot here


Television_Wise t1_j7vmire wrote

>anyone wants a walmart built right next to their house.

If given the choice almost no one wants anything right next to their house, they'd prefer a buffer area of nature. So that's not a Walmart or apartment building specific thing. Dude in the article is mad he's losing his nature buffer. If it was a ranch house being built there he'd still be pissed and complaining, but no one would care or quote him in an article.

Me, if somethings got to go next to where I live, I prefer the Walmart. At least it's useful to me and Walmart won't regularly drag heaps of trash into the open to burn on their lawn like multiple single family home-owners have done near me in the past...